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Observing the Dramatic Death Scene of Pyramus and Thisbe!

The Mechanicals of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” witnessing the death of Pyramus and Thisbe!

One of the most notorious and uproarious comedic scenes in all of dramatic literature comes from “The Most Lamentable Comedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe” performed by the Mechanicals, a troupe of aspiring tradesmen come to perform at the marriage celebration of the Duke of Athens in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In this picture, Pyramus (Bottom the Weaver, played by Corey Ruehling) and Thisbe (Francis Flute the bellows mender, played by Levi Bennett) have just expired in a heap in the bottom right corner while Lion (Snug, played by Tori Roberts), Peter Quince (played by Zeb Johnson), Moonshine (Robin Staveling the tailor, played by Esther McRae), and yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is indeed Norm Baker, CU Bible and Theology Prof, as Wall (Tom Snout the tinker).all watch the lamentable death!,

Norm caught the bug first in high school, but his talents have lain dormant until until a few months ago when he was asked to play the role of Martin Luther for a chapel scene on the Reformation. His appetite was once again whetted! He’s having an incredible time and has enjoyed getting to know students on a more casual basis while gaining a greater respect for the craft of acting. All we can tell you is Kenneth Branagh had better move over! You’ll have to see him to believe him, so make sure you’re there for Act V!

The production runs March 8-11. See you at the show!

Tickets are currently on sale here:

“Traveler in the Dark”

“Traveler in the Dark”

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

The cast of Traveler in the Dark: (l to r) Christy Stone, Corey Ruehling, Jon Van Pelt, and Aaron Clabough

Calvary University Theatre presented four performances of Traveler in the Dark last weekend.  With only four characters in the cast, each one had many lines to learn, and they did a terrific job!  Of course, there were many people who had a part behind the scenes, and they each contributed to the success of the show.  Corey Ruehling played Dr. Sam Carter, the play’s titular “traveler in the dark.”  The other characters were his wife, son, and father, and the play is all about their relationships.  Mrs. Pat Miller, our Biblical Counseling Department Chair, had this to say about the show, “What I like most about this play is the title! We are all travelers in the dark without the Light of the World – Jesus. We often lose our way and stumble in the dark. Only in the truth of God will we ever be set free.”

The Carter family: (l to r) Everett, Sam, Glory, and Stephen

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Soccer Games

October 20, 4:00 p.m. vs. Alumni at Practice Field (More info.)

October 26-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Joplin, MO

Upcoming Volleyball Games

October 20, 6:30 p.m. vs. Alumni at Home  (More info.)

October 27-28, Midwest Christian College Conference Tournament at Dubuque, IA

Upcoming Calvary Events

Ryrie Lecture Series featuring Grant Hawley   October 24-27

Masterworks Chorus presents Elijah                November 10

Charis Schneeberger’s Senior Recital              November 18

Upcoming Basketball Games

October 30, 6:00 p.m. Men vs. Union at Home


How Does Calvary University’s Theatre Department Fit Calvary’s Mission?

How Does Calvary University’s Theatre Department Fit Calvary’s Mission?

Below is a question from someone genuinely concerned that Calvary University would put on a production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Also below is Dr. Cone’s response. We hope you will find it encouraging. If not, please email Dr. Cone. He would love to hear from you! (He actually said that!)

Question from “Concerned About Calvary U’s production of Beauty and the Beast”:

Why is a “Christian” university that is teaching and preparing students to proclaim the Gospel and live out a biblical worldview to present a Christlike witness to the world put on a production like [Beauty and the Beast]? I will never support this or support any anti biblical, anti Christian, or anti Christ Disney production or any thing similar. This is antithetical to what I thought this university is about. Apparently it’s about money!

Answer from Dr. Cone:

Dear Friend,

I am so thankful for your email. I have told many of our alumni and donors to hold us accountable, and I am glad you are taking me up on it. I am appreciative of the courage it took for you to communicate your concern, and I am appreciative of the opportunity to help clarify for you that Calvary University is totally committed to undergirding everything we do with the Biblical worldview, and to help you understand how our Theatre Department and productions help us achieve that.

black-on-gold-with-red-rose-v-3First, you are certainly correct, that Disney has produced some material that has been unfriendly to Christians and the Biblical worldview. At the same time, Disney has also produced some quality films that are even sympathetic to Christians and the Biblical worldview. I think about Pirates of the Caribbean 4’s portrayal of a Christian missionary and his commitment to truth, grace, and kindness. I think of Snow White’s prayer for her dwarf friends. The Hunchback of Notre Dame has some Christian-friendly themes. Then there is the grace message of Tangled and Cinderella. There’s Disney’s drawing attention to a Christian and his story of hope and perseverance in the movie The Rookie. And as for Beauty and the Beast, Dove Reviews acknowledges the incredible artistic value of the film, and observes that, “Overall, the positive messages about loving others, bravery and family support dominate the film.”

Now, my point here is not to defend Disney or their worldview. Rather my point is to say that they are a significant producer of stories in today’s culture. Some of them are good, others not.

Second, you are also correct in recognizing that Calvary University is committed to preparing people to live and serve in the church and in the world according to a Biblical worldview. Part of that is helping our students learn how to use the many tools of narrative and illustration in order to (1) glorify God, and (2) share His love and faithfulness with others. Just as some of the great hymn writers attached theologically rich lyrics to secular melodies, our students are learning how to engage the culture without being conformed to it. We are keenly aware of Paul’s encouragement in 1 Corinthians 5:9-10 that we are in the world and must engage those in it. Part of that means learning to speak their language. This is the same process as you would find in any missions organization – before a missionary is sent out to reach a particular culture for Christ, they must first learn the language and culture. Calvary University’s Theatre Department is doing that exact kind of training. We are committed to excellence in representing Him and His word, and we are committed to training our students with the highest caliber academic programs we can possibly offer. We are thankful for our Theatre Department, and for their contribution to Calvary’s overall mission. 

Third, please know that our Theatre Department is one of our very most expensive departments, and it is certainly not a profit center. If Calvary was about money, we would definitely not have a Theatre Department. Performances like this one allow our students to gain incredible experience, and to grow in their skills, but they (the performances) hardly pay the bills. I truly hope you would consider supporting Calvary’s students and mission by visiting one of the performances. I think you will be truly impressed.

Finally, I thank you for your understanding – I know that you understand the importance of working with – at times – anti-biblical, and anti-Christian organizations, since you emailed your concern from your gmail account. Surely you are aware of the many anti-biblical and anti-Christian stances Google has taken. Yet this does not deter you (or us) from enjoying the benefits of their services, because even though they can be disagreeable at times, they also provide tremendous tools that help schools like Calvary University to proclaim the message of God’s grace through the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. While we certainly have our disagreements with Google, we are still thankful to have access to their tools, and we consider them a blessing in many ways – perhaps much like Disney.

Thank you again for communicating your concerns. I am sure that there are others who might share your concerns, so I am going to publish your comments – anonymously, of course – along with my response as an open letter, so that all who share your well thought out concerns might be encouraged to know what Calvary University is up to. We love you, are thankful for you, and encourage you to continue holding us accountable! We are at your service…

Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D

President, Calvary University