Hilda Kroeker Library
Contact Us
Online Catalog
Library Handbook
Click here to search the Mobius catalog
Click here for the Clark Academic Center
The library is currently accepting donations! We accept books, DVDs, and board games! Questions? Contact Sandy at 816-425-6154. Thank you!
Storytime at Calvary University’s Hilda Kroeker Library
Beginning Thursday, August 22, 2024, the Hilda Kroeker Library (516 Bong Ave Belton, MO) will host a weekly story time at the library on Thursdays 10:00-10:30am! It will be aimed at the preschool/pre-k age range; but older and younger siblings are welcome (they can participate or we have a selection of board games they are welcome to play). No registration required. Questions? [email protected] or 816-425-6183.
Serving Calvary University
The Hilda Kroeker Library is home to more than 30,000 books, e-books, and audio visual materials. The library primarily serves the needs of Calvary University students. Faculty, staff, and alumni, may also use the collection free of charge.
Growing Collection
Approximately 50 percent of the resource center is devoted to Bible and theology. The collection includes not only the works of classical and contemporary Bible scholars but also important primary source materials and technical biblical language tools. The Library has access to periodical databases, both secular and theological. The newest collection in the library is board games!
Mobius Consortium
The Library is a member of the Mobius Consortium. The membership in the Consortium gives students access to millions of resources available in public and private libraries in the Kansas City area, as well as access to the entire Mobius network. Students can use the pickup anywhere function to pick up their materials at the participating library closest to them. Calvary also has membership in the Kansas City Metropolitan Library Information Network.
Courier service brings the resources to the Calvary campus Monday-Friday.
Library Hours
Monday – Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Alternate Hours
Friday, August 23 1:00-5:00pm
Monday, September 2 closed (Labor Day)
Thursday, September 5 (no story time)
Friday, September 6 1:00-5:00pm
Thursday, September 26 10:00am-4:30pm (no story time)
Thursday, October 10 10:00am-4:30pm (no story time)
Friday, October 11 1:00-5:00pm
Thursday, October 31 10:00am-4:30pm (no story time)
Wednesday, November 27 closed (Thanksgiving break)
Thursday, November 28 closed (no story time)
Friday, November 29 closed (Thanksgiving break)
Thursday, December 19 – Sunday, January 5 closed (Christmas break)
Thursday, January 9, 2025 (no story time)
Thursday, March 13, 2025 (no story time)
Thursday, April 10, 2025 (no story time)
Thursday, April 17, 2025 (no story time)
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Good Friday
Commencement Friday and Saturday
Memorial Day
Summer Break
Faculty/Staff Inservice
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Break (Wed-Sun)
Christmas Break
Who was Hilda Kroeker?
American Theological Library Association Reciprocal Borrowing Program
This program allows all current Calvary University students, faculty, and staff to checkout physical materials from participating ATLA schools for free (map of participating libraries)
Association of Christian Librarians Reciprocal Borrowing Program
This program allows all current Calvary University students, faculty, and staff to checkout physical materials from participating ACL schools for free. (click the link and then scroll down to Borrowing Procedures for more information)
Courtesy Card Program
This program allows all current Calvary University students, faculty, and staff to checkout physical materials from participating schools for free. (click the link for more information)
Resource Gathering Program
This program allows all current Calvary University students, and is particularly beneficial to graduate students. When students want to use this resource, they must contact [email protected] to schedule a 30-minute interview in which they will discuss the specifics of the student’s topic. This interview can be in-person, over the phone, or on teams. After the interview, Eidene will work with the students to gather resources.
The times available for interview appointments are Wednesdays 1-4pm and Thursdays 1-4pm. It is recommended to schedule in advance, but walk-ins will be received if appointments are available. If an interview time outside of these hours (Wed/Thur 1-4pm) is required, the student should contact [email protected] with a minimum of three proposed interview slot requests on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays 9am-5pm.
Tiffany Smith
Sandy Smith
Library Donations Clerk
Eidene Anderson
Assistant Librarian
Calvary is part of the Mobius library consortium, which allows members of the Calvary community in the Mobius and Prospector service areas the ability to borrow physical items from consortium members. This is done via a courier service. In addition, students and faculty are able to submit requests to the library for materials that are unavailable within the consortium. Galaxie Theological Journal Library and ProQuest Research Library are accessible on the Populi homepage. ATLA eBook Lending Program and ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials are accessible via links below.
- Calvary University Online Catalog (primarily physical materials)
- ACL Reciprocal Borrowing Program (physical material borrowing agreement from nationwide Association of Christian Librarians institutions)
- ATLA eBook Lending Program (theological eBooks consortium)
- EBSCO ATLA Religion Index (eBooks and ATLA Religion Database – indexing for several journal issues as far back as the 19th century)
- Populi (Galaxie Theological Journal Library – conservative theological journals – and ProQuest Research Library – a wide range of the core academic titles)
- Research Suggestions/Help (updated periodically throughout the academic year)
Audio Literature
- Lit2go (free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format)
Bible Study, Greek, and Hebrew Tools
- Biblehub.com (features topical, Greek and Hebrew study tools, plus concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, sermons, and devotionals)
- Biblestudytools.com (commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, audio books, and more)
- Free Bible Commentary (a non-profit Bible study ministry dedicated to empowering people to interpret the Bible for themselves)
- Got Questions (Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence)
- Perseus Digital Library (history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world)
- Studylight.org (Bibles and study resources)
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) (subcorpus (abridged) together with the extensive bibliographical database developed by the TLG (Canon of Greek Authors and Works) is open to the public)
Bible Study Resources
- Bible Gateway Resources (full-text Bible in various versions, commentaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries)
- Biblestudytools.com (commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, audio books, and more)
- Blueletterbible.org (powerful tools for an in-depth study of God’s Word including a free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith)
- Studylight.org (Bibles and study resources)
- epubBooks.com (free public domain eBooks)
- Google Books (the world’s most comprehensive index of full-text books)
- Gutenberg-e (historical distinguished and innovative scholarship delivered with creative and thoughtful use of digital technology
- Electronic Journals Library (a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online)
- FeedBooks (fiction and non-fiction eBook titles)
- Index Theologicus (International Bibliography of Theology and Religious Studies)
- LibriVox (eBooks and audio books)
- Making of America Journals (a digital library of primary sources in American social history primarily from the antebellum period through reconstruction)
- Many Books (library of books in digital format (eBooks))
- MERLOT Collection (discipline-specific learning materials intended to enhance the teaching experience of using a learning material)
- Online Books Page (facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet)
- Project Gutenberg (over 60,000 free eBooks with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired)
- Springer Link (open access eBooks)
- University of Southern California (USC) Digital Library (drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, as well as audio and video recordings)
Business and Economics
- Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) (high-quality original research in the areas of macroeconomics, money and banking, and applied microeconomics)
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) iLibrary (books, papers, and statistics)
- Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) (collaborative effort to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences)
Christian Literature
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library (a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books selected for edification and education)
- Classic Christian Library (a collection of the best in Christian writing online, all as free PDF eBook files)
Counseling Resources
- ACA Code of Ethics (Sets forth the ethical obligations of ACA members and provides guidance intended to inform the ethical practice of professional counselors)
- APA Ethics Code (Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct)
- British Film Institute National Archive (a magnificent collection of film and television from the birth of cinema to today)
- The Collation: A Gathering of Scholarship from the Folger Shakespeare Library (information and observations from a world-class center for scholarship, learning, culture, and the arts)
- DigitalNZ (New Zealand) (reliable New Zealand material)
- Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS Online) (a bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars)
- Open Culture (cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community)
- Open Humanities Press (international community of scholars, editors and readers with a focus on critical and cultural theory)
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
English and Writing Resources
- Fantastic Fiction (fiction authors and their books)
- Goodreads (book reviews)
- Jerry Jenkins Blog (writing recommendations)
- Middle English Compendium (the Middle English Dictionary, a Bibliography of Middle English prose and verse, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse)
- Purdue Owl (formatting)
- Reedsy Blog (writing hints/suggestions)
Government Resources
- Government Publishing Office Monthly Catalog (the finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive information for historical and current publications)
- United States Government Information (Legislative, Executive, Judicial, curated, historical, and high-profile content)
- Answers in Genesis (focus on the book of Genesis regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth)
- The British Library (maps, doctoral theses, manuscripts, gallery)
- Canadian Architectural Archives (Canadian archive of theses, yearbooks, campus newspapers, and private archives of influential Canadians)
- Expeditions and Discoveries: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age (a variety of materials from selected expeditions between 1626 and 1953)
- Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930 (documents voluntary immigration to the United States from the signing of the Constitution to the start of the Great Depression)
- International Mission Photography Archive (IMPA) (historical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections held at a number of centers in Britain, Europe, and North America)
- Perseus Digital Library (history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world)
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
- University of Adelaide Press (a no longer active open access book publisher)
- University of Southern California (USC) Digital Library (drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, as well as audio and video recordings)
- The Collation: A Gathering of Scholarship from the Folger Shakespeare Library (information and observations from a world-class center for scholarship, learning, culture, and the arts)
- Perseus Digital Library (history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world)
- Project Gutenberg (over 60,000 free eBooks with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired)
- Project REVEAL (Read and View English & American Literature) (collections of some of the best-known names from American and English literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries )
- University of Adelaide Press (a no longer active open access book publisher)
- University of Southern California (USC) Digital Library (drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, as well as audio and video recordings)
- Wright American Fiction (the most comprehensive bibliography of American adult fiction of the 18th and 19th centuries)
Local Public Libraries
- Cass County Library (Missouri)
- Johnson County Library (Kansas)
- Kansas City, Kansas Public Library (Kansas)
- Kansas City Public Library (Missouri)
- Mid-Continent Public Library (Missouri)
- Olathe Public Library (Kansas)
- Louis F. Benson Collection of Hymnals and Hymnology (approximately 12,000 volumes on virtually every aspect of hymnology, with the exception of musical scores and anthems)
- University of Southern California (USC) Digital Library (drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, as well as audio and video recordings)
Open Access Materials
- Digital Commons Network (free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide)
- Directory of Open Access Books (goal of increasing discoverability of Open Access books and is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access )
- Directory of Open Access Journals (community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals)
- EBSCO Open Dissertations (open access dissertations)
- Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) (the world’s most widely used index to educational-related literature)
- The Free Library (Business/Industry, Communications, Entertainment, Health, Humanities, Law, Government, Politics, Recreation/Leisure, Science/Technology, and Social Sciences)
- HathiTrust (digital preservation repository and highly functional access platform)
- Internet Archive (a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more)
- Journals for Free (a directory of open access journals and journals with some kind of open access to their materials)
- JSTOR (open access journals, eBooks, images)
- JURN (arts, humanities, business, law, nature, science, medical)
- Open Access Digital Theological Library (religious studies/related disciplines from publisher websites, institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives, and public domain collections)
- Open Access Network (subject specific European open access project)
- Open Library (open, editable library catalog, building towards a webpage for every book ever published)
Search Engines
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) (one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources)
- Google Books (the world’s most comprehensive index of full-text books)
- Google Scholar (broadly search for scholarly literature including articles, theses, books, abstracts, etc.)
Science and Medicine
- Answers in Genesis (focus on the book of Genesis regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth)
- BioMed Central (high quality science peer-reviewed journals)
- Contagion: Historical View of Diseases and Epidemics (history of medicine and a historical context for current epidemiology)
- Department of Energy OpenNet System (access to bibliographic references and declassified documents, including information declassified in response to Freedom of Information Act requests)
- Images from the History of Medicine (online access to images from the historical collections of the U.S. National Library of Medicine dating from 15th to 21st century)
- J-Stage (an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan, developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency)
- Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (biomedical research, medicine/surgery, public health research/policy, technology/engineering, law/policy, environmental research/policy, and more)
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) iLibrary (books, papers, and statistics)
- PubMed (citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books)
- SpringerOpen (science, technology, medicine, the humanities and social sciences journals and books)
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
- University of Adelaide Press (a no longer active open access book publisher)
Specific Religions Encyclopedias, Documents, Maps, Dictionaries, etc.
- Catholic Encyclopedia (most comprehensive resource on Catholic teaching, history, and information ever gathered in all of human history)
- Islamic Heritage Project (a digital collection of Islamic manuscripts, published texts, and maps from across Harvard’s libraries and museums)
- Israel My Glory (a bi-monthly publication of the Friends of Israel)
- Jewish Encyclopedia (the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906)
- Leo Baeck Institute Library German-Jewish Periodicals (the leading library and archive dedicated to the history of German-speaking Jews, with more than 1,600 periodical titles in its collections)
- Log College Press free PDF library (approximately 6000 works by over 900 authors\
Textbook Sources
- Open Textbook Library (textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed)
Theological and Historical Online Articles and Books
- NTSLibrary (online Christian library of virtual theological resources)
- Theological Commons (Princeton Theological Seminary) (over 130,000 resources on theology and religion)
- Westcliff Press (free PDF dowloads of theology books from Westcliff Press)
Theses and Dissertations
- The British Library (maps, doctoral theses, manuscripts, gallery)
- EThOS (e-theses online service)
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations (resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world)
- Excel Easy (tutorial on how to use Microsoft Excel)