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Alumni Relations

The Calvary University Alumni Association desires to help foster lifelong friendships between Calvary and our former students. If there is anything we can do to help you, please call (816) 322-0110 Ext. 1330 or contact Alumni Relations. Please update your personal information so we can serve you well!  Also, you can request transcripts, find a job, or make a gift to help support the mission of Calvary University.

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Departmental Blog

Career vs Calling: Matt Brewer

Career vs Calling: Matt Brewer

"Success is found in the stewardship of where God has placed me."  Today, there are many beliefs about careers and callings. Should we wait for a calling from God before choosing a career path? Matt Brewer is a faithful servant of God who has held different positions...

Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Jeff Rhoades

Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Jeff Rhoades

"God led me to the right place for laying the biblical foundation for correct understanding and interpretation of the Bible." Dr. Jeff Rhoades is a Calvary alumnus who recently published his book titled: The Bible, Dimensions, and the Spiritual Realm: Are heaven,...