by Sara Klaassen | Jul 13, 2018
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
Do It Heartily
Karen Hange painted railings near the Conference Center.
Each Tuesday during the summer, several Calvary staff members step away from their desks and pitch in to help with various maintenance projects around the campus. They clean in the dorm for the first few Tuesdays. Most weeks some people spend time mowing, weed-eating, and pulling weeds. This summer staff members have painted numerous spots and stained a gazebo as well.
Ashley Spicer, Rachel Hontz, Tasha Krahn, and Tressa Shoemaker stained the gazebo.
Because of the library move this spring, one of the Tuesday Work Day projects was putting together some additional shelves. Other staff members worked heartily at moving furniture to the CABRE.
Last summer I told you that the building formerly known as the Seminary was being remodeled. At that time, we were planning to move the library and academic center to that space. God had other plans! Now the old seminary building has a new name to go with a new purpose. The CABRE (pronounced SAY-bur) is the Center for Advanced Biblical Research and Engagement. It houses the Pre-Trib Research Center, Center for Interdisciplinary Creation Studies, and the Burnham Center for Global Engagement.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
by Sara Klaassen | Apr 20, 2018
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
The Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center have a new home!
Boxes of books waiting to be shelved in the new library
Back in July we announced that they would be moving to the former Seminary building; however, that was not God’s ultimate plan.
Students loading up boxes from the old library
Following a months-long process, Calvary recently purchased the former Heart & Soul Church which is right next to our new Student Life Center (dining hall) on the south edge of the campus. April 19 was moving day! Classes were canceled so that students, faculty, staff, and some alumni could all assist with moving furniture and thousands of books.
Moving in to the new library
The new-to-us building has space for the computer lab, study areas, offices, and, of course, lots and lots of books. We are excited about how God has put together this additional campus space piece-by-piece over the last six years!
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Also on April 19, Dr. Luther Smith spoke to Christian leaders at the conference we held at Blue River Bible Church.
Upcoming Calvary Events
Music Department Spring Concert April 20
Race to the Philippines April 21
Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone April 21
Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital April 27
SpringShorts Acting Recital April 28
Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital April 29
Awards Chapel May 3
Baccalaureate May 4
Commencement May 5
by Sara Klaassen | Aug 18, 2017
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
With new students arriving in less than one week, another school year seems to be hurtling toward us! That is why our faculty and staff spent Thursday in meetings focused on preparations for the upcoming semester. Dr. Cone encouraged us from God’s Word, and the other members of the Cabinet gave reports from their respective departments.
One bit of news that I would like to pass on to you is about our enrollment numbers. We are praising the Lord that more than 315 students are currently registered for classes in Cycle 2*! Thank you for your prayers in that area. *Calvary’s academic year is now structured into 8-week cycles. Cycle 2 is August 28-October 20.
We are also excited about the progress being made on renovating the former seminary building into the new home of the Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center. In addition to that project, we anticipate that work will soon begin on transforming the Student Life Center (formerly Turner’s German-American Hall which we purchased last fall) into our new dining hall. Please pray with us for safety, quality work, and timely completion.
Dr. Cone spoke to the faculty and staff on Thursday.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Calvary Events
New students arrive August 24
Classes start August 28
Discover Calvary: Visit Day September 15
by Sara Klaassen | Jul 21, 2017
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
The Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center will have a new home by the end of 2017. Work has already begun to transform the former Seminary building into an updated space for research and study. Some staff and faculty have spent the last few Tuesdays pulling up carpet, moving furniture, and painting walls, and a contractor will do some interior and exterior remodeling. The new space will be smaller and require a decrease in the physical materials available, but as a result there will be an increase in technology and digital offerings. The Clark Academic Center will have ample space for tutoring, and there will still be a classroom in the building. The new location is much closer to the dorm which will be beneficial to on-campus students. Please pray that the improvements will be completed in a timely manner, so that the move can be made as soon as possible.
Dr. Hessel, Joshua Paxton, Dr. Smith, and Dr. Bitner (l to r) removed carpet during a Tuesday Work Day.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator