Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
The Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center have a new home!
Back in July we announced that they would be moving to the former Seminary building; however, that was not God’s ultimate plan.
Following a months-long process, Calvary recently purchased the former Heart & Soul Church which is right next to our new Student Life Center (dining hall) on the south edge of the campus. April 19 was moving day! Classes were canceled so that students, faculty, staff, and some alumni could all assist with moving furniture and thousands of books.
The new-to-us building has space for the computer lab, study areas, offices, and, of course, lots and lots of books. We are excited about how God has put together this additional campus space piece-by-piece over the last six years!
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Calvary Events
Music Department Spring Concert April 20
Race to the Philippines April 21
Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone April 21
Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital April 27
SpringShorts Acting Recital April 28
Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital April 29
Awards Chapel May 3
Baccalaureate May 4
Commencement May 5