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Join the Link Chain!

Join the Link Chain!

Do you remember making construction paper link chains to decorate elementary school classroom? The chains would be draped around the room. But sometimes, in the mornings, a chain would be hanging to the floor because one link had come unglued. A quick repair would have the link chain back to its expansive length again.

I’m reminded of those paper link chains in the theme passage I have chosen for this year.

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people, who will also be qualified to teach others. … Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:2, 15 NET)

As Paul realizes his time in ministry is short, he encourages Timothy to continue faithfully in what he has learned from Paul. But the message of Scripture must not end with Timothy! Paul exhorts Timothy to teacher others who then will teach those who follow after him.

Paul’s encouragement to Timothy reminds me of these link chains. Each follower of Christ has a responsibility to learn and then to teach others. This is the only way the truths of Scripture pass from generation to generation. We are part of link chains connecting us back to that small group of apostles who followed Jesus Christ.

Just as importantly, Paul cautions Timothy to accurately handle the truths of Scripture. The phrase “correctly handles” literally means to cut straight like a seamstress cuts fabric straight on the grain or a farmer plants a straight row.

Teachers of God’s Word must not twist it to fit their worldview, but strive to present the Word as God originally meant. Not an easy task thousands of years later in an entirely different culture, but a vitally important task.

So, as this new academic year begins at Calvary I hope you can see yourself in that link chain of teaching God’s Word from one generation to the next. I pray that no matter what your area of study, whether Education, Bible & Theology, or Theatre, you become a student of the Word who correctly handles its truth.






Prepare. Enrich. Training Seminar

Prepare. Enrich. Training Seminar

Prepare/Enrich is one of the most widely researched relationship assessment tools.  Professors and students at colleges and universities worldwide use their scales as a tool to conduct and evaluate their research regarding the changing reality of relationships. More than 4,000,000 couples have prepared for marriage or enriched their relationship through taking the P/E assessment and working with a Certified Facilitator.  The assessment itself has been proven to improve relationship satisfaction; however, there is something extraordinary about the relationship a Facilitator develops with a couple that truly helps the couple grow more than they would on their own.

Download (PDF, 150KB)

Now, YOU have a chance to become a certified facilitator! If you’re a church leader or in a counseling ministry that deals with premarital/marriage/relationship counseling and are looking for tools to help you create structure, then the Prepare/Enrich seminar with Dr. Joa Braga is an excellent resource.   Those attending the workshop will become certified on Prepare Enrich and be able to administer and use the inventory in their ministry with couples. This training is a required assignment for those taking Marriage and Family Counseling this fall.* If you have already taken the class but would like to become a certified facilitator, we would love to have you sign up. Below are more details:

  1. $100 covers the training cost (all materials and one free assessment to use with a couple).
  2. Training to take place 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday, Sept. 9 in the Langmade Room at Calvary University. There will be a lunch break, but lunch is not included in the fee.
  3. Prepare/Enrich is a great relationship assessment tool to be used both in pre-marital and marital counseling.
  4. If you are someone who works with couples: counselors, pastors, mentors, marriage ministry lay leaders, etc.
  5. Simple to use, Scripture-based/supported, valuable counseling tool with tons of resources for the leader and the couple.
  6. You can learn more about the program at their website: prepare-enrich.com


*If you are a current Calvary student enrolled in Marriage & Family Counseling for FA’ 17, the price of this training is included in your tuition.



Using Math in Everyday Life

Using Math in Everyday Life

Using Math in Everyday Life


With Independence Day behind us, summer is winding up and back-to-school sales are already hitting the stores.  Even as an adult, there is something magical about crisp, white pages in a new notebook and a pack of new pens.  It is as if everything is brand new and the world is ours for the taking.


Yet, for many children, the end of summer brings disappointment and anxiety.  Some children become apprehensive about the upcoming school year as the summer ends, specifically concerning the subjects they have struggled with in the past.  One area that many children wrestle with is math.


All subjects have language specific to their own topics, and math is no different.  When it comes to math, children must accomplish two things.  First of all, they must learn the definition of the mathematical word.  Second, they have to learn how to apply it to solve problems. Additionally, as children age, mathematical concepts become less concrete and more abstract, leading to frustration and anger.


However, there are many things to do at home to help children grasp what they are learning in math class and none of them involves sitting down and “drilling” them over facts tables.  Here are just a few:


  • When helping your child with homework, find ways to make math real and applicable to their lives.  For example, if one of their math problems is -4 + 10, and they are struggling with it, try phrasing it like this: “If you owe your sister $4 and you do a chore and earn $10, how much will you have left after you pay your sister back?”  
  • Encourage your child to help you cook in the kitchen.  This is a fantastic way to work with them on measurements, multiplication (i.e. doubling a recipe), and fractions.  Once the recipe is complete, you both can divide it among the family members in the house.
  • Look for examples of math in your everyday life.  If your child enjoys baseball, figure out their favorite player’s batting average.  If they enjoy going to the movies, have them estimate how much money they would need if they wanted to go with five of their friends.  


These are just a few examples of how to help your child grasp different math concepts.  Once they begin to see how they use math in their daily life, they will begin to enjoy it more and dread it less. This will make heading back to school much easier.


For more information about Calvary University’s Family Literacy Program, check here.

Family Literacy Program Receives Book Donation

Family Literacy Program Receives Book Donation

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Calvary’s Education Department has started a Family Literacy Program, and it received a big boost recently.  The Belton School District donated a large amount of books and even delivered them to our campus!  Angie Smith, a current education student and the Family Literacy Program Office Manager, now has the task of culling books that will be useful for the program.  The mission of the Family Literacy Program is to encourage lifelong learning through teaching literacy strategies to children and their families.  The program currently provides resources and tutoring while they plan other activities for the future.

Rose Henness, Assistant Professor of Education, and Angie Smith pose with the donated books.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Using Math in Everyday Life

What is STEAM?

What is STEAM?


The field of education is all about acronyms and abbreviations.  STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math and it has become quite the buzzword in educational circles over the last five years.  In the last decade, student achievement scores in the areas of math and science have gone down considerably in the United States.  This decline puts us at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with other nations.


All across the nation, STEAM academies and in-school programs are popping up as a way to combat this problem.  By using project based learning (PBL), schools are working with students to develop skills such as working collaboratively, creative problem solving, and thoughtful risk taking.  Educators are finding that by posing questions instead of giving lectures, children are more engaged in the learning process and are eager to be in school.


For example, the first grade class at a STEAM program in Atlanta attacked the following problem: how can we prepare for natural disasters?  They studied the causes of natural disasters and how to adequately prepare for them. Then, they graphed daily weather patterns and tallied the number of natural disasters that occurred in different regions.  Students used technology and recorded news broadcasts and animated videos to teach people how to prepare for natural disasters.  They designed robots to help clean up debris and constructed murals depicting natural disasters.


As parents, what is our role in supporting the STEAM movement?  One way is to encourage children to invent creative ways to solve problems.  Let them try out their solutions, even if you are not sure that they will work.  They just might surprise you.


You can apply these principles to children of all ages.  For example, if you take your young child to the grocery store, talk with them about the things they see.  Have them weigh fruits and vegetables for you.  Ask them to guess what foods weigh more.  When you get home with your groceries, have them sort them into categories for you.  Read different stories to them about food and grocery stores.  Find a recipe and have them help you prepare it.  All of these things are part of STEAM.  


Some of these activities may take a little more time and preparation, but they do not have to cost any extra money.  Children are naturally curious, and STEAM activities take advantage of that curiosity and turns little questions into large learning opportunities.  


For more information about Calvary University’s Family Literacy Program, check here.


Using Math in Everyday Life

Teaching Your Child about Financial Literacy-Part 3



Teaching Your Children about Financial Literacy (A Three Part Series)


Part 3: Teens…The Final Frontier


The teen years can be a tricky time: as our children are trying to spread their wings and want their independence, parents still have important things to teach.  As much as teens want parents not to tell them what to do, they still need our guidance and support.


By allowing teens to make mistakes, parents help them learn important lessons while the “fallout” is relatively small.  Our job as parents is to provide real life “examples” that teenagers can learn from indirectly, without feeling as if they are being given orders.


In addition to the ideas given in the last post, here are some ideas specifically geared toward teenagers:


  • Instead of taking your teen out shopping for school supplies and clothes, load the money you would spend on a pre-paid card, and allow your child to make their own decisions about what they are going to buy.  In our home, the only stipulation we put on spending was that the money had to be used on supplies and clothing.  We also made it clear that they would not receive any additional money.  It was up to them how to spend it.  This is also a great idea for monthly allowances.
  • If your teenager is working a part-time job, show them how to check their pay stubs.  Everyone, including employers, makes mistakes and teens need to learn to make sure that they are accurately paid.
  • Allow your teenager to plan and organize a yard sale.  Not only will you get your house decluttered, but you will also teach your teen valuable skills such as making change and bartering skills.  If you feel particularly generous, you can even let them keep the proceeds.  
  • Talk to your teen about the importance of having an emergency account.  This account is for true emergencies: a blown out tire, a phone dropped in a toilet, a blown out transmission.  A new pair of sneakers at the mall is not an emergency; it is something that to save for.  It may take several months to develop, but for a teenager a good amount to shoot for would be $500-$1000.  
  • Talk about the importance of giving with your teenager.  Research five charitable organizations with them, and then pick one that the entire family will support.  This gives them a sense of ownership in where their donations are going.  With this ownership, it becomes more likely that donating money to worthy causes will be a part of their lives into adulthood.


For more information about Calvary University’s Family Literacy Program, check here.