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Alumni Association Award Recipient: Martha Olango

Alumni Association Award Recipient: Martha Olango

“Martha’s ministry has reached thousands of people with the gospel.” 

Martha Olango was this year’s Alumni Association Award recipient due to her outstanding ministry impact in Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in East and Central Africa.  

Martha’s ministry journey took flight when God called her to start working for CEF. She began a job within Mombasa, Kenya, and then moved to Nairobi in 1999 to later work as an education director in 2000. When she felt the need to earn a degree in biblical education, Martha attended Calvary University. When reflecting on her biblical education, Martha states: “With Calvary’s training, I was motivated and equipped to serve effectively, prepared to lead with confidence, and ready to serve with integrity.” After graduation, Martha moved back to Kenya where she worked for a short time as an assistant to CEF’s Regional Education Director and later took on the position full-time in 2010.

In her current role as Regional Education Director for East and Central Africa, Martha has played a wildly influential role in teaching children, training teachers, and developing instructors and leaders for CEF, and has gone into very dangerous areas to do so. A specific ministry Martha has made a great impact on is CEF’s Christian Youth in Action program (CYIA), where she has faithfully trained teenagers to reach other children with the gospel. This training program began in Kenya but has now been developed in Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Burundi and DR Congo. Before Covid, nearly 500 teens were trained each year. Within her local church, Martha has served in children’s ministry as well as organized a ministry to help meet the needs of single, young women in the church, known as EPIC. She has also extended great love and care for those in her local community, helping support several disadvantaged young people and being a light of Christ to those in her neighborhood. 

Eidene Anderson, a friend of Martha and former missionary stated: “Martha’s ministry has reached thousands of people with the gospel. She has impacted people personally as well as trained godly leaders who are maturing in their faith so that they too can share the gospel.” Whether it is her impact on CYIA or reaching out to people within her community, Martha is known by those around her as a faithful servant who is continually studying, training others in ministry, and being courageous in her faith. In gratitude for her years of ministry and service to God, Calvary was beyond honored to present Martha with this year’s Alumni Association Award.


What are the pitfalls of gaming?

What are the pitfalls of gaming?

What are the pitfalls of gaming?

Throughout history, people have played games. But today’s “gaming” options are more abundant than any other time in history. This raises questions for many: Are there pitfalls to some games, but not others? Are there “fake” pitfalls to gaming? What about balance of time, community and cost? Should Christians participate in role-playing games?

Join the two coolest Calvary Conversations’ hosts, Drs. Timothy Hange and Joshua Paxton, as they explore and wrestle with these difficult, but very relevant, questions.

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Should Christians go to college?

Should Christians go to college?

Should Christians go to college?

For a Christian young person graduating from high school, should a Christian college be the obvious next step? Should Christians go to non-Christian universities—is that ever a good idea? How does the rising cost of college factor into this question?

Join Calvary’s Timothy Hange and the Calvary Conversation’s team for a conversation on this important and practical question.

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Are YOU being seduced by unbiblical ideas?

Are YOU being seduced by unbiblical ideas?

Are YOU being seduced by unbiblical ideas?

What are the most seductive ideas being embraced by Americans? This question was recently explored by the Arizona Christian University’s Christian Research Center. They then released The American Worldview Inventory 2023: A National Survey of Biblical and Competing Worldviews and The Top 10 Most Prevalent Seductive Unbiblical Ideas That Are Embraced by Americans Today. Some of these ideas may seem obviously unbiblical, but the reality is that Christians are tempted by these ideas too. Some of them sound good at first, and how they contradict the Bible is not immediately clear to all.

Join Calvary University’s Dr. Mike Dodds as he leads the Calvary Conversations team in exploring how we should respond to people who hold these unbiblical ideas, and how Christians can help each other to avoid being “seduced.”

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What if an archeologist found the bones of Jesus?

What if an archeologist found the bones of Jesus?

What if an archeologist found the bones of Jesus?

According to the recent Ligonier “State of Theology” study 10% of those who self-identify as “evangelical” disagree with the statement: “Biblical accounts of the physical (bodily) resurrection of Jesus are completely accurate. This event actually occurred.”

Does it matter whether the resurrection was literal and physical? And, if it really happened, why does it matter? Join the Calvary Conversations team as they explore the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Duane and Cristina Smith: Faithfully Building up the Body of Christ

Duane and Cristina Smith: Faithfully Building up the Body of Christ

Duane and Cristina, 1993. 

“When you see people apply the Word that you had the joy of teaching them, it is a tremendous blessing.” 

Duane and Cristina Smith grew up in Christian families and came to faith at a young age, meeting at Calvary and marrying soon after. They stayed in the KC area for four years and were highly involved in their local church. Learning how a body of believers functioned would later become integral to them becoming spiritual mentors in their future home church. When the Lord took them to Marshfield, WI, Duane served as the assistant pastor of Calvary Bible Church, where he and Cristina served for over 8 years; during this time, they had all three of their sons. Today, Duane is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Waukon, IA. 

When reflecting on how his educational journey impacted his future career in ministry, Duane stated: “The education I received from Calvary laid a biblical and theological foundation for my life in ministry. As a pastoral studies major, my classes helped me understand the practical side of ministry, and Dr. Raiford shared wisdom with us ‘preacher boys,’ as he called us, that was absolutely invaluable.” He also added that his music training at Calvary helped prepare him for conducting worship in church services for over twenty-five years. Cristina reflects that her double major in Biblical Counseling and Church Music was exactly what she needed: “I am blessed to have been the Worship Coordinator at our church for many years now and use my degree not only in accompanying piano and worship leading, but in planning worship services year-round. As for counseling, I use the knowledge I gained from this degree every day.”

When asked what the most rewarding thing about full-time ministry has been, Duane states that it has been witnessing people grow in their faith: “There are many things that can discourage you in this ministry if you let it, but when you see people apply the Word that you had the joy of teaching them, it is a tremendous blessing.” Cristina adds, “There’s nothing like seeing the chains of sin being broken in people’s lives and watching them live in the freedom of their new identity in Christ.”

Duane sends a special word of counsel to those pursuing pastoral ministry: “Remember to cultivate a close relationship with the Lord now. As a pastor, you will be the one feeding others and discipling them. You must learn to feed yourself spiritually! Don’t just look at the Bible as another textbook. Treat it as the living and active Word of God that you derive your spiritual nourishment from. Serving God as a pastor is a tremendous blessing, but if you are trying to do it in your own strength it will be a disaster.”

Duane and Cristina both look forward to what God has in store for their future as a couple serving God in the church. Duane states that he looks forward to seeing people grow in Christ and use their gifts to serve Him: “There are some young men who are wanting to be discipled in my church, and that process will begin soon. I pray that God uses them in mighty ways!” Cristina adds, “We hope to plan another mission trip soon as they have transformed our church family into thinking globally and strengthened individuals in their personal walks with God.” 




Duane Smith speaking at Calvary’s 2022 Baccalaureate.

Duane and Cristina’s sons, Nathan (CU grad, 23), Michael (21), and Jacob (18).

Is there anything good about gaming?

Is there anything good about gaming?

Is there anything good about gaming?

Why would the Chairmen of two Christian university departments waste their time on gaming? Shouldn’t they be studying, writing and lecturing? Shouldn’t they be discouraging their students from participating in pointless activities?

Or, is it possible there are actually some benefits to gaming? Is it possible that games could conceivably be a tool for something good?

Join Calvary University’s Dr. Joshua Paxton and Tim Hange for a discussion about their own experiences in seeing gaming through the lens of the biblical worldview.

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Is it healthy for a Christian to doubt?

Is it healthy for a Christian to doubt?

Is it healthy for a Christian to doubt?

Is there really a God? Is the Bible really His perfect revelation? How can God be good when He allows people to suffer?

Especially when we are going through difficult things, it is common to experience doubt. Is that wrong? Is “a double-minded man unstable in all his ways”? Or is it part of a natural progression to a mature faith?

Join Calvary’s Tim Hange as he leads a discussion with the Calvary Conversations team about this important and common struggle.

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Willy Wonka: Calvary’s Spring Theatre Production

Willy Wonka: Calvary’s Spring Theatre Production

This spring, Calvary University’s Theatre Department will be exploring a world of pure imagination! Willy Wonka is based on Roald Dahl’s 1964 book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The story follows five children who each find a golden ticket and are granted the opportunity to explore the mysterious chocolate factory owned by the infamous candy man himself, Willy Wonka.

Willy Wonka is the first of Roald Dahl’s books to be brought from the silver screen to the stage. While it is often written off as a feel-good and wrongs-righted story, behind all of its whimsical charm, it presents powerful messages. Every child in the story is given the same “golden ticket”, and each is tempted by the desire they crave most. As we already know, each child fails to withstand temptation. This idea plays into themes that can be found within Willy Wonka, as well as some of Roald Dahl’s other writings, including greed, friendship, justice, and the power of the human mind. True to his unique style of writing, Willy Wonka celebrates the quirky personalities of each character and embraces lessons that can be learned from them. 

Join the colorful characters of Willy Wonka as they venture into a candy dream, traveling through fantastic rooms filled with absurdities, from lickable wallpaper and nut-sorting squirrels to Oompa Loompas and everlasting gobstoppers. Reserve your tickets to this adventure today! 



Ashley Beach: Writing Stories for a Higher Purpose

Ashley Beach: Writing Stories for a Higher Purpose

“People have told me how much my stories have impacted their lives and I hope to continue to impact more people and point them to Christ.”

Ashley’s home was in Denver, CO, where she grew up in a Christian home and came to faith as a child. During her growing-up years, Ashley never dreamed of being a published author, because her original dream was to pursue acting and singing. This carried over into her college career at Calvary University, where she played roles in theatre productions, and pursued her business goal of starting her own theatre company in which her productions would share the gospel with unbelieving audiences. She states: “I was privileged by being part of a theatre department that was rooted in the Bible and sharing Christ with others. There was always an emphasis on the importance of story-telling and making each day a story worth living. That influence was paramount in me later becoming an author.”

Ashley’s focus on theater shifted one day when she was reading “Sacred Romance” by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis. She was touched by how the authors portrayed a Christian’s relationship with Christ within the storyline of an epic novel. Soon, her own imagination was sparked and she felt inspired to begin writing novels. She states: “I’ve created a world based off of the seasons, revealing many Biblical elements that relate to our own lives. Themes like light versus darkness, secret sin struggles, rejection versus acceptance, never being too far to be loved or reached by God, are themes my books emphasize.” More than anything, Ashley’s books explore the concept of beauty that was once lost being completely restored.

When reflecting on her spiritual growth during her time at Calvary, Ashley stated that she learned much about relationships and community: “It was encouraging to be at a college where people’s relationships with God were genuine. It’s easy to take a relationship with God for granted; yet there was a sense of sincerity in many people’s walks at Calvary. I was constantly challenged to be in God’s word and felt blessed to be a part of a community eager to seek God and reach the world with His truth.”

So far as Ashley’s future is concerned, she states: “God has given me the ability to write and share these stories, and I am humbled and blessed to be used as His vessel; people have told me how much my stories have impacted their lives and I hope to continue to impact more people and point them to Christ.” Ashley believes that God has more He wants her to share with the world through her novels. Recently, He has given Ashley several ideas for different series and future stories. One of these is a modern-day Christian adventure series which she has already started working on. Ultimately, Ashley’s desire is to write, grow, pray, and learn as God continues to use the words He places on her heart to touch people in all walks of life.



Ashley’s involvement with theatre at Calvary helped her engage with the impact of storytelling.

(Pictured playing the role of Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical the Musical, 2015)