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Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Dr. Skip Hessel (far left) led a panel discussion for the Pastors’ Conference with the featured speakers.

There were crowds on campus April 20-21 as we held a Pastors’ Conference, hosted a Fine Arts Festival for Christian schools, and had the Music Department’s Spring Concert!  The total attendance for the Pastors’ Conference was 80, with the focus of the conference on apologetics.  Next year’s conference will be held April 19-20, 2018, so start making plans to attend. Over 500 students were on campus on that Friday for the Festival, which included music, art, theatre, speech, science, and math.  Many faculty members served as judges for the event in connection with Blue Ridge Christian School. Everyone was ready to relax and enjoy some good music by Friday evening when it was time for the Spring Concert, and the Music Department did not disappoint.

Joshua Stolberg (center) performed a solo as part of the Calvary Men’s Chorale for the Spring Concert.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator