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How do we know what we think we know?

How do we know what we think we know?

How do we know what we think we know?

Can we really know what is true? How do we know what we think we know? In other words, what is the worldview of Postmodernism and on what is it based?

Calvary’s Dr. Joshua Paxton invited Calvary University graduate student, Joshua Barr, to discuss his recent paper exploring this issue of Postmodern Epistemology.

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What’s the best way to minister to children?

What’s the best way to minister to children?

What’s the best way to minister to children?

Anyone following the news about concerns over school curriculum, traumatic events at schools, adult agendas being pushed on children and youth in schools and in the community, and the documented mental health crisis being experienced by children and youth know that young people need help today!

Dr. Mike Dodds invited Hanna Sims, the founder of NETWorkersTEC, to have a conversation about how to best minister to children and youth in these confusing and troubled times.

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How can Christians be faithful in a negative world?

How can Christians be faithful in a negative world?

How can Christians be faithful in a negative world?

At one time, the Church in America lived in a positive world—a culture that was positive toward the Bible, respected clergy, and considered the Church to be a force for good in the world. But times have changed. We now live in a world that considers the Christian faith to be bigoted, misogynistic, even hateful. So, how can Christians and churches be faithful to Christ in this negative world?

Join Shaun LePage as he leads the Calvary Conversations team—Drs. Joshua Paxton, Tim Hange and Mike Dodds, in a discussion about this world-changing shift and how Christians and churches need to think, speak and act in order to thrive.


Link to article discussed in this episode: “The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism.”

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How should Christians react to cultural changes?

How should Christians react to cultural changes?

How should Christians react to cultural changes?

Since the 1960’s, Americans have seen numerous social norms change or disappear. What is the impact of this? Does it mean freedom from outdated ideas or does it create new problems? Surely some norms need to change, but aren’t some good? And how do we figure out which social norms should not be changed?

Join Calvary University’s Dr. Mike Dodds as he leads the Calvary Conversations team in a discussion about the pros and cons of changing societal norms.

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Alumni Association Award Recipient: Martha Olango

Alumni Association Award Recipient: Martha Olango

“Martha’s ministry has reached thousands of people with the gospel.” 

Martha Olango was this year’s Alumni Association Award recipient due to her outstanding ministry impact in Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in East and Central Africa.  

Martha’s ministry journey took flight when God called her to start working for CEF. She began a job within Mombasa, Kenya, and then moved to Nairobi in 1999 to later work as an education director in 2000. When she felt the need to earn a degree in biblical education, Martha attended Calvary University. When reflecting on her biblical education, Martha states: “With Calvary’s training, I was motivated and equipped to serve effectively, prepared to lead with confidence, and ready to serve with integrity.” After graduation, Martha moved back to Kenya where she worked for a short time as an assistant to CEF’s Regional Education Director and later took on the position full-time in 2010.

In her current role as Regional Education Director for East and Central Africa, Martha has played a wildly influential role in teaching children, training teachers, and developing instructors and leaders for CEF, and has gone into very dangerous areas to do so. A specific ministry Martha has made a great impact on is CEF’s Christian Youth in Action program (CYIA), where she has faithfully trained teenagers to reach other children with the gospel. This training program began in Kenya but has now been developed in Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Burundi and DR Congo. Before Covid, nearly 500 teens were trained each year. Within her local church, Martha has served in children’s ministry as well as organized a ministry to help meet the needs of single, young women in the church, known as EPIC. She has also extended great love and care for those in her local community, helping support several disadvantaged young people and being a light of Christ to those in her neighborhood. 

Eidene Anderson, a friend of Martha and former missionary stated: “Martha’s ministry has reached thousands of people with the gospel. She has impacted people personally as well as trained godly leaders who are maturing in their faith so that they too can share the gospel.” Whether it is her impact on CYIA or reaching out to people within her community, Martha is known by those around her as a faithful servant who is continually studying, training others in ministry, and being courageous in her faith. In gratitude for her years of ministry and service to God, Calvary was beyond honored to present Martha with this year’s Alumni Association Award.


What are the pitfalls of gaming?

What are the pitfalls of gaming?

What are the pitfalls of gaming?

Throughout history, people have played games. But today’s “gaming” options are more abundant than any other time in history. This raises questions for many: Are there pitfalls to some games, but not others? Are there “fake” pitfalls to gaming? What about balance of time, community and cost? Should Christians participate in role-playing games?

Join the two coolest Calvary Conversations’ hosts, Drs. Timothy Hange and Joshua Paxton, as they explore and wrestle with these difficult, but very relevant, questions.

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