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What is an “evangelical” and is it a ruined word?

What is an “evangelical” and is it a ruined word?

What is an “evangelical” and is it a ruined word?

The term “evangelical” has a rich heritage in Church History, going all the way back to the Greek word behind “preaching” or “proclamation” in the Bible, up through the Reformation. But in modern U.S. culture, it has been linked to politics and is often used for people and movements that are unbiblical in their beliefs.

The Calvary Conversations team is asking the question, “Should we continue to call ourselves ‘evangelical’?” But the first important step is to ask, “What exactly is an ‘evangelical’?” Join us as we explore these important questions about the identity of God’s people in our culture.

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How can Christians celebrate the Christmas season with wisdom?

How can Christians celebrate the Christmas season with wisdom?

Christmas – “the most wonderful time of the year!” And yet it’s become loaded with a lot of unbiblical traditions and expectations. How should Christians respond? Which should we clearly avoid? Which should we engage with caution? And which should we employ with a clear conscience? 

Join Dr. Mike Dodds as he leads a discussion with the Calvary Conversations team—Tim Hange, Dr. Joshua Paxton and Shaun LePage—as they seek to bring some biblical sanity to the season and its celebrations.

Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more.

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How can we avoid extremes in discipleship?

How can we avoid extremes in discipleship?

How do you know when you’re out of balance—over emphasizing some things while neglecting others? What are the dangers of forcing our priorities on other people? What does it mean to actually be “biblical”?

Dr. Joshua Paxton led a conversation with the Calvary Conversations hosts—Dr. Mike Dodds, Tim Hange and Shaun LePage—about this important subject and the importance of finding balance, setting priorities and living with tension between differing viewpoints.

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How can Christians help resolve conflict?

How can Christians help resolve conflict?

“How could I ever help anyone with a personal problem? I wouldn’t know what to say or where to turn for finding good advice to share! And if it’s a conflict situation, for sure I would be at a loss!” Every Christian knows this dilemma but also needs to have wisdom for how to help others – we ALL need to know how to do Biblical Counseling and to how to deal with conflict.

That’s why Dr. James Clark has written two books on the subjects, and he has written them to help the maturing Christian, not just for the professional counselor. Join Dr. Mike Dodds as he welcomes Dr. James Clark, President Emeritus of Calvary University, for a conversation about his most recent book, Dealing with Conflict Biblically.

Visit the Calvary Conversations page to join the conversation, get on our email list and learn more.

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