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Student Loan Hero recently completed a study showing that many graduates of many colleges end up with more student debt than those of public colleges. But there are some important exceptions: “according to new Student Loan Hero college rankings, some nonprofit private colleges are worth a second look — even for cost-conscious college applicants. If you’ve been dreaming of the private-college experience on a public-college budget, start your search with this list of the 20 most cost-effective private colleges.” Calvary is ranked #9 on the list of the top 20 most cost-effective private colleges in the United States.

The ranking is a reflection of Calvary University’s ongoing commitment to reducing educational costs while increasing educational quality. Earlier this year Calvary University reduced all of its tuition rates and introduced a $250 per credit hour tuition rate for Military and Veterans studying at the undergraduate and graduate level, and a $250 per credit hour tuition rate for people in full-time ministry.