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Speakers Bureau: What is it?

The Calvary Speakers Bureau is a service that connects Calvary University experts with community groups who are looking for a speaker to present at church services, classes, conferences, workshops, camps, or other community events.

Members of the Calvary Speakers Bureau are available to speak on a variety of topics ranging from theology to education or from athletic program development to urban ministry. Each member is a leader in their respective discipline and is eager to embody Calvary University’s vision of service by engaging with the community at large through presenting their expertise and research.

Please do not hesitate, ask us for a speaker for your event today.

Who can request speakers?

Calvary University’s Speakers Bureau welcomes requests from any organization.

How much lead time is needed to book a speaker?

Requests for speakers should be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event date. Once your request is processed you will be contacted by our office, who will forward your request to the speaker within 72 hours. We allow the speaker two weeks to decide about participating in your event. Once the speaker decides to present at your event, you will be put directly in touch with that person to make final arrangements.

Are there any costs involved?

There is no fee to request a speaker through Calvary University’s Speakers Bureau, however, it is customary to reimburse the speaker for travelling and lodging expenses and to offer an honorarium to the individual as renumeration for the time they invested in preparing and delivering the speech.

In general, an honorarium consists of $200 per event and travelling expenses is calculated at $0.58 per mile.

What are the responsibilities of the host organization?
  1. Submit your request online and work with the President’s Office to secure a speaker.
  2. Once the speaker accepts the invitation, arrange the details and logistics of your event directly with them.
  3. Include the name of the university “Calvary University” when you introduce the speaker.
  4. Complete and return evaluation form upon finishing the event.
  5. Remit travel reimbursement and/or any honorarium directly to the speaker
What if I am having trouble finding a speaker for my event?

Contact the President’s Office at 816-425-6149 or send an email to [email protected] for assistance.

Who do I contact if I have to cancel my event?

Please notify the speaker directly, then email the President’s Office at [email protected].

How often may I submit a request for a speaker?

There is no limit to how many times you can request a speaker, however, please note that there is no guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled.

How do I become a speaker?

If you are a current affiliate of Calvary University, please fill out the “Become a Speaker” form. The President’s Office will contact you upon receipt of your submission. Applicants not affiliated with Calvary University will not be accepted.

Granados Alexander

President of Calvary University and Professor of Bible & Theology and Intercultural Studies
Bible & Theology
Dr. Granados has a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles (1992), an M.Div. in Pastoral Ministries from The Master’s Seminary (1995), a Th.M. in Systematic Theology from The Master’s Seminary (1997), and a Ph.D. in Intercultural Education from Biola University (2008). Dr. Granados was born in Bogotá, Colombia. He is an experienced and dynamic Higher Education Executive with a history of distinguished and trusted leadership as a President, Associate Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Associate Academic Dean. He has effectively led administratively and pastorally among diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, gender, disability, and ethnic communities. He has held administrative positions in both domestic and international for-profit and non-profit organizations. His research and scholarly interest focus on the interaction of international and domestic factors in educational, religious, social, political, and economic development of Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Latin America. He has developed educational strategies for children displaced due to war and violence, and he has researched the historical, religious, and cultural factors that influence classical and modern Jewish Education. He also has knowledge concerning academic and spiritual development, theological and biblical methods of missions, church planting and multiplication, and urban ministry and planning. Dr. Alexander Granados is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: Business, Education, Politics, and Theology.

Gromacki Gary

Department Chair and Professor of Bible and Theology; Director of the Ph.D. in Bible and Theology Program
Bible & Theology
Dr. Gromacki started teaching Bible and Theology classes at Calvary University in 2017. Before coming to CU, Dr. Gromacki taught Bible and Homiletics at Baptist Bible Seminary for 19 years (1998-2017). He also served as pastor of two churches for 13 years (1984-1997). Dr. Gromacki earned a B.A. in Bible and Greek from Cedarville University in 1980, a Th.M. in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1984, a D.Min. in Pastoral Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1997 and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Baptist Bible Seminary in 2006. He is married to his best friend Kim and just celebrated their 40th anniversary. Dr. Gary Gromacki is interested in presenting the following topics: Creationism, Discipleship, Dispensationalism, The Messiah in the Torah, Preaching.

Smith Luther

Dean of the College, Department Chair of Biblical Counseling, Undergraduate Program Director of Biblical Counseling, Associate Professor of Bible and Theology.
Biblical Counseling
Dr. Luther Smith has served as a teaching elder for a year in San Diego at the Potrero Community Church and as an adjunct professor for San Diego Christian College for 7 years teaching Behavioral Science and Theology courses. He has counseled for 6 years at three different places in San Diego (New Vision Christian Counseling Center; Counseling Ministries, Genesis Recovery Center; South Bay Community Services), and he is presently a teaching elder at his local church (Beth Haven Bible Church). He is also involved in various conferences throughout the year, is a consistent blogger, and researches various topics of interest in psychology, philosophy, and theology. Dr. Luther Smith is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: Bible, Counseling, Entertainment, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion, Social Issues, and Theology.

Bacon Ian

Associate Professor of Bible and Theology, Director of Bible and Theology Department.
Ian Bacon has served as a pastor in a small rural church and in many ministry positions. He has also been Superintendent of Calvary University Academy. Ian Bacon is interested in presenting the following topics: Bible, Bible Study Skills, Dispensationalism, Eschatology , Prophecy, and Theology.

Clark James

Clark-President Emeritus of Calvary University
Bible & Theology
Dr. James Clark is an author and a speaker. He has been a pastor, a professor of a college, a seminary president, and he has served as a chaplain. He has also served on non-profit boards, acted as a pulpit supplier, and has been a conference speaker. Dr. James Clark is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: Biblical Counseling, Conflict Resolution, Family, Marriage, Preaching, and Theology.

McGee John

Chief Development Officer
John has served as a consultant to ministries across the US and Africa through the The Harry J LLoyd Charitable Trust. His more than 20 years of experience in the development field has produced a wealth of knowledge that he is excited to use in encouraging and challenging others to think toward eternal investments. John McGee is interested in presenting the following topics: Bible, Generosity, International Missions, Leadership, and Stewardship.

Paxton Joshua

Director of the Burnham Center for Global Engagement, Professor of Intercultural Studies
Joshua Paxton is the founder and Director of the Burnham Center for Global Engagement. At Calvary University, he has been an educator and student of culture and cross-cultural ministry for 10 years. His main interests include partnerships between churches, agencies, schools and alternative educational models for higher education. He is a former missionary with Avant Ministries. Joshua Paxton is giving presentations on the following topics: Cross-Cultural Communication, Culture, Intercultural Education, Intercultural Studies, Ministry, Missions, and Partnership.

Hange Karen

Assistant Professor of Education
Education Department
Karen has worked in the field of Christian education for more than 25 years. She completed her Doctor of Education in Teaching and Learning with a focus on cultivating community in blended learning classrooms. She has worked as a teacher, a principal, served on administrative teams, led a school through accreditation and has spoken at a variety of women’s events through the years. She has also been a presenter for many professional development educator events and a facilitator for the Truth Project to people from a variety of different faith backgrounds. Karen has been married for more than 30 years and has 4 grown children. She and her family served as missionaries in Moscow, Russia. She and her husband have owned a restaurant, served at orphanages, adopted two children from Russia, and have enjoyed travelling together. She and her family lived in Moscow for 8 years while working at an international school. Karen says, “Living overseas changed us in ways that cause us to think differently, but we love to reflect on the work God did while we were there.” Karen loves to share what she has learned through her life experiences with others. Topics that Karen is interested in presenting include: Bible, Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Faith, Finding Joy in life circumstances, Marriage, and Parenting.

Miller Keith

Former Faculty of Pastoral Studies, Former chairman of Bible and Theology Department
Bible & Theology
Dr. Miller is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (1968), Calvary Bible College (1969), and Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M. 1973 & D.Min. 1990). He and his wife Pat have four children and eleven grandchildren. He is the author of Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Men and co-author with his wife, Patricia, of Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Youth and Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Couples, all by Baker Publishers. He has served as interim pastor at various churches in Kansas and Missouri. Keith Miller is interested in presenting the following topics: Bible and Theology.

Dodds Michael

Professor of Ministry Studies, Director CU Press.
Ministry Studies
Dr. Mike Dodds was raised in the Chicago area, graduated from Asbury College and Dallas Theological Seminary, and served in the Air Force as an instructor pilot, squadron training officer, and chaplain. He has pastored churches in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Kansas City, and now serves Calvary as Chairman of the Pastoral Studies programs for the College and Seminary. Mike and his wife, Virginia, have 5 children and 16 grandchildren, and his life passion is to encourage churches and believers to be all God intends them to be. Dr. Mike Dodds is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: Biblical Gender Issues, Church Ministry, and Preaching.

LePage Shaun

Department Chair of Ministry Studies, Assistant Professor of Ministry Studies
Ministry Studies
Shaun LePage is the Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Ministry Studies at Calvary, and has also served in local church ministry for more than 30 years. He loves to teach the Bible and is eager to preach or speak in almost any venue—services, retreats, conferences, etc.—and with any gathering of people on numerous subjects related to the Bible, church, and ministry. The emphasis of his recent research has been on the early church and how it should guide the church of the 21st century. Shaun has been happily married to his wife, Beth, for more than 31 years and they have six children. Shaun LePage is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: Bible, Biblical Manhood, Church Leadership, Discipleship, The Early Church, Evangelism, Family, Life of Christ, Ministry, Missions, The Spiritual Life, and Theology.

Bitner Teddy

Chief Academic Officer
Education Department
Teddy Bitner retired from the US Army at the rank of Colonel after 26 years of service. He has served as the Chief Academic Officer at Calvary University since 2009 and also serves as a peer evaluator for the Association of Biblical Higher Education, a national accrediting agency recognized by the US Department of Education. His specialties are American and German military history and higher education leadership. Dr. Teddy Bitner is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: American History, American Military History, British Military History, Christian Sociology, German Military History, Higher Education, Reformation Era Textual Analysis, and World War II History.

Baurain Tom

Professor of Bible and Theology, Dean of Seminary
Dr. Baurain completed a BA in Chemistry; a ThM in Bible Exposition from Dallas Seminary; and a DMin from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. After seminary, he spent five years in pastoral ministry; fifteen years at Moody Bible Institute as Director of the Evening School and Extension Studies (1985-2000); since July 2000 he has served at Calvary University as Professor of Bible & Theology and Dean of the Seminary. His teaching areas are Systematic Theology, Contemporary Theology, Bible book studies (Genesis, Romans, Daniel, Revelation, OT Overview). Areas of research include Creation vs. Evolution, the Flood, Apologetics, and Angels. Dr. Baurain is interested in giving presentations on the following topics: Angels, Bible, Bible Study Methods, Creationism, and Theology.