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Faculty Profile:

Dr. Tom Bonine

Title: Professor Emeritus

Started at Calvary: September 1980

Professional Information: B.A. (Pastoral Studies), Calvary Bible College, 1967; M.A. (Education Administration), University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1974; Ph.D. (Education Administration), University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1990.

Favorite aspect of teaching at Calvary: I enjoy helping students gain mastery of the material contained in the classes that I teach.

Favorite class to teach and why: I would describe all of the classes I presently teach as “favorites” since each one has distinct aspects or characteristics.

Originally from: A farm in Oklahoma

Favorite memory as a Calvary student: My favorite memories are the professors who gave extra help when needed and small classes where everyone could be involved in class discussion and activities.

How did past ministry/professional experience lead to your position at Calvary: Ten years of teaching mathematics to middle and high school students and serving as a high school principal gave me the desire to help train teachers. When Calvary started a program for secondary school teachers, I asked to join the faculty.

Ministry/Professional involvement outside of Calvary: From 2000-2008, I was a visiting professor for a summer M.A. program at Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.

    Contact Dr. Bonine

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