Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Joshua Paxton’s Academic Impact

“I specifically got my doctorate because I wanted to do more in my role at Calvary.”
Calvary University is honored to announce that missions professor, Joshua Paxton, recently earned his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Western Seminary. As a professor, Joshua has enjoyed connecting with students and faithfully praying for them, as well as preparing students to thrive on the mission field after graduation.Â
Dr. Joshua Paxton transferred to Calvary University in 2002, where he earned a BA in Biblical Counseling, and a Master’s of Divinity in 2009. While a student at Calvary, he said that he gained excellent pastoral training and preparation, as well as a profound hermeneutic, specifically when it came to understanding the purpose of missions. Most notably during his time as a student at Calvary, Joshua developed a passion for spreading the gospel to unreached people groups.Â
Although Joshua pursued a full-time ministry in international missions, God had other plans. After enduring a series of hardships that prevented Joshua and his family from entering onto the mission field, he was given the opportunity to become a missions professor at Calvary.
Throughout his years of service at Calvary, Dr. Joshua Paxton’s passion for international outreach has only strengthened. Besides working on creating a Master’s level missions program in Intercultural Studies, Joshua recently published his book, Relational Partnerships for Missions Mobilization, which was inspired by Calvary’s Synergy Program that trains and prepares students for what they will encounter on the mission field. He is also the founder of Calvary’s Burnham Center, which exists to help churches strengthen their missions programs and take the initiative to endow missionaries from their own church.Â
Joshua stated: “I specifically got my doctorate because I wanted to do more in my role at Calvary.” Indeed, Josh has already been used mightily by God in his role as a professor and mentor to students, as well as in his administrative roles in Calvary’s Synergy Program and Burnham Center. Calvary University looks forward to seeing how God will use Joshua and his heart for student connection and mission outreach in the future.Â