Grow in a Christ-centered community of believers.
The student clubs and organizations at Calvary offer you opportunities for personal and academic growth, leadership development, and to create a stronger connection to the CU community. They also serve as a valuable resource for networking, career development, and exploring diverse interests beyond your academic curriculum.
Student Senate
Calvary University has existed since 1932 and has an immensely rich heritage of training men and women “to live and serve in the church and the world according to the biblical worldview.” The Student Senate is dedicated to serving the student body by providing opportunities, direction, and resources for the overarching purpose of aiding in the spiritual growth of students.
One of the significant functions of the Student Senate is to represent the student body before campus administration. We work with campus faculty and staff to improve the quality of student life, make recommendations on policies, and help plan events.

Love sports? Check out the Calvary Athletics page to get the scoop on our excellent sports program. CU is part of the National Christian College Athletics Association (NCCAA) Division II, and the Midwest Christian College Conference. Our mascot is a “Warrior,” and we compete in soccer, volleyball, cross country, and basketball.
Whether you’re an athlete or a fan, there is much to get excited about: championship teams, dynamic coaching staff, a discipleship-oriented approach to athletics, camps, live-streamed games, and more.
As a student, you’ll also have access to the weight room and gym at designated times.

Missions Outreach Student Team
The various missions awareness activities held throughout the school year can only be maintained over the long-term by maintaining a recognized organizational structure that creates continuity and authority. The Missions Outreach Student Team (MOST) provides needed structure and yet allows for the creativity and ingenuity that has long characterized this group of students.
To learn how to get involved, contact Dr. Paxton
Contact Dr. Paxton
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At Calvary, we want to teach you how to tell a great story dramatically. We want to involve you in telling a great story with your life! You do not have to be a theater major to get involved. A great story has a character at its center who wants something so badly, he overcomes great obstacles to get it.
Sound familiar? Sound like the Story of Jesus through the ages? Sound like your story?

Haystack is a time for current Calvary students/staff/faculty to gather and pray for our alumni missionaries serving God around the world. We gather to hear stories and read newsletters, pray, worship and frequently hear from guests about what is currently going on in their ministries both here and abroad.
To learn how to get involved, contact Dr. Paxton
Contact Dr. Paxton
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Apologia Club
The Apologia Club at Calvary University is dedicated to equipping students with the skills to thoughtfully and effectively defend the Christian faith. Through discussions and activities centered on Christian apologetics, we aim to deepen our understanding of faith and the biblical worldview.
To learn how to get involved, talk to Declan Patrick.

Hall Devotions
At Calvary we strive to keep God’s Word at the center of our lives. One way Student Development encourages that is by having weekly devotions led by the hall RDLs (Student Residence Life Directors).
For off-campus students desiring to get involved, contact Kara Miller
Contact Kara Miller
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