Who is the Practical Christian Ministries program for?
The Practical Christian Ministries program is a vital part of the educational program at Calvary University because it provides students practical field experience.
Since ministry is the normal expression of a healthy Christian life, degree-seeking students are expected to minister while attending Calvary. Therefore, all undergraduate students and graduate students who are in the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling, Master of Arts in Bible & Theology, or Master of Divinity (MDiv) programs are required to be formally involved in the Practical Christian Ministries Program.
The number and types of ministries required will vary with each degree program.

How the Program Aligns With Calvary’s Mission
Calvary University’s Mission: Calvary University is an independent, nondenominational institution, providing undergraduate and graduate education which prepares Christians to live and serve in the church and the world according to the biblical worldview. This is accomplished by providing an appropriate educational curriculum and a climate that fosters the development of intellectual and spiritual maturity, leadership potential, servanthood, and a sense of mission.
The purpose of every program at Calvary is to teach students Bible and theology, and to prepare them for Christian ministry. Calvary’s educational programs emphasize biblical studies, complemented by general and professional education as well as practical field experience.

Missions Expectations & Requirements for Calvary Students
Every freshman and new student is given one semester of ministry as a “Church Search” to find a church home where they can attend and become involved during their time at Calvary.
Calvary places a high priority on students being involved in a local church while being trained for service.
For students seeking a bachelor’s degree, they will need to complete a Practical Christian Ministry each semester. Their Practical Christian Ministries should provide ministry experience in either evangelism, local church/ministry organization, or in the area of their academic major. Students are encouraged to have some form of evangelism and discipleship and the use of their biblical training as part of all their Practical Christian Ministries.
All ministries are subject to approval by the Practical Christian Ministries Director and are for a minimum of 24 hours per semester, ideally for 2 hours per week for at least 12 weeks during the semester. A pass/fail grade will be given at the end of each semester and recorded on the student’s transcript. Those students who have not completed all Practical Christian Ministries requirements by the end of their senior year will not be permitted to participate in graduation.

Why Does the Practical Christian Ministries Program Exist?
- It’s Required To Maintain Accreditation: Our Bible Accreditation Association (The Association of Biblical Higher Education [ABHE]) requires us to have a Practical Christian Ministries program.
- To Help Students Grow in their Abilities in Ministry and Furthering God’s Kingdom! Our desire is that your Practical Christian Ministries will help prepare you for life and future ministry, and also help you build a resume of meaningful ministry experiences.
- It is How Jesus Discipled His Disciples: Jesus spent time with His disciples. First, He taught them, empowered them, questioned them, and gently corrected them when needed. Then, He sent them out to minister in the world. Our prayer is that God will use local churches, pastors, lay leaders, ministries, and Calvary’s faculty and staff to give our students the best discipleship experience possible.

How Can You Get the Most From Your Practical Christian Ministry Experience?
Fulfilling your Practical Christian Ministry responsibilities gives you the opportunity to have a personal, God-directed training program. If you seek the LORD and choose your Practical Christian Ministries wisely and prayerfully, it can give you experiences in several different fields of ministry that will better prepare you for God’s purpose for your life.
We believe that the practical training received through your participation in the Practical Christian Ministries program can be vital to your understanding of God’s call upon your life. It can also help you put into practice what you are learning in the classroom.
We pray that this will help you develop a pattern of faithfully seeking Him for all that you do. A good spirit toward your Practical Christian Ministries can be one of the most helpful things you can do to receive the most from this program. Please look at the requirement of Practical Christian Ministries as an opportunity to serve the LORD and grow in Him rather than just an obligation to fulfill. Our prayer is that you will experience the joy of ministry and the benefits of this program. May you, and those to whom you minister, be blessed through this program! Blessings…Numbers 6:24-26.
Please Remember: Ministry is a privilege, and it is an honor to be called by God and to serve Him.

Contact the Program Director
You can use this form to contact Dawnita Phillips – Director of the Practical Christian Ministry Program.
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