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Faculty Profile:

Dr. Timothy Hange

Office:  East Education 102

Title:  Department Chair of English, TESOL Coordinator, Assistant Professor of English

Started at Calvary:  August 2017

Professional Information:  B.S. (Business Administration), University of Missouri, 1996; M.Ed. (Curriculum and Instruction), University of Missouri, 2010; D.A. (English Pedagogy & Technology/English Language), Murray State University, 2023.

Favorite aspect of teaching at Calvary:  The many fascinating conversations with students.

Favorite class to teach:  ED411: Instructional Techniques for ELLs

Originally from:  Born in Youngstown, Ohio, but lived most of my life in the Kansas City area.

How did past ministry/professional experience lead to your position at Calvary: I worked for 15 years as a software engineer before obtaining a Master’s in Education. God then led my wife and me to serve as academic missionaries in Moscow, Russia for eight years. Serving the international community is something I am passionate about and led me to seek a position at Calvary as the Director of International Student Services.

Ministry/Professional involvement outside of Calvary: Attend Raintree Community Church, where I serve on the worship team, playing guitar and keyboard. I am also involved with ESL teaching and tutoring immigrants.

Contact Mr. Hange

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