Office:Â CABRE 107
Title:Â Department Chair of Ministry Studies, Assistant Professor of Ministry Studies
Started at Calvary:Â July 2018
Professional Information:Â B.A. (Communications), Missouri Southern State College, 1987; Th.M. (Pastoral Leadership), Dallas Theological Seminary, 1996; D.Min. in progress (Church-Based Theological Education), The Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Development.
Favorite aspect of teaching at Calvary: I worked in youth ministry for about 30 years, and have always loved helping younger believers become well-established in the faith. The same is really true here at Calvary – I just find that the students here are more serious and eager to learn.
Favorite class to teach: This is tough. I love every class I teach, but one of my favorites is “Theological Foundations of Ministry” (MS340). That course gives me a chance to lay out the biblical theology of ministry, just letting the New Testament—especially the Book of Acts—speak for itself. In that course, I try to show the pattern for ministry given by the Holy Spirit and the first people who ever attempted to pull off the Great Commission.
Originally from: I grew up in Joplin, Missouri, but left long before the famous tornado. My wife, Beth, and I lived in the Dallas, Texas, area for 14 years before moving to Lawrence, Kansas, in 2005. We now live in Belton, Missouri, just a few blocks from the CU campus. God blessed us with four baby Texans and two baby Kansans—none of which are babies anymore. But, thus far, two of them have graduated from Calvary.
Ministry Experience:Â
Calvary University: Chair, Ministry Studies, Associate Professor (2018-present)
Teaching all aspects of ministry with a focus on biblical foundations for ministry, and considering important historical and cultural issues; training undergraduates seeking pastoral, youth and children’s ministry degrees through an accredited Christian university. In 2019, became the Ministry Studies Chairman, overseeing the program and leading department faculty in development, planning, assessment, recruitment and departmental promotion.
Community Bible Church of Olathe: Plant Pastor (2023-present)
Leading CBC to strengthen evangelism, discipleship and leadership development toward the goal of multiplication and church planting.
CityChurch Lawrence: Lead Pastor and Church Planter (2015 – 2022)
Led the re-planting of CityChurch Lawrence (CCL), from a traditional Bible Church model to a simple church model working toward a complex network. From 2015 to 2022, equipped a team of leaders to assume leadership of the work in Lawrence. In 2022, entrusted CCL to the leadership team.
Calvary University: Associate VP of Marketing & Communications (2018-2021)
President’s cabinet level position overseeing all aspects of marketing and communications including strategic development, planning and assessment; advertising—print and digital; web design and maintenance; writing and editing feature articles, marketing materials, press releases, social media posts, etc.; graphic design, photography, event promotion, staff training and development.
RReach International: Writer (2018)
Ghost-writer for international ministry, writing series of blog posts based on themes related to Dr. Ramesh Richards’ teaching. Also wrote promotional materials and SEO optimized emails.
Family Promise of Lawrence: Family Services Coordinator (2015-2018)
Family Promise combines the hospitality of more than 35 local churches and organizations with the case management of staff to help families gain independence after struggling with homelessness.
As family services coordinator, I mainly worked with families to help them find employment, manage their finances and secure permanent housing. More broadly, we provided “wrap around” case management, helping our “guests” discover whatever resources they may need to work themselves out of poverty. This requires the development of relationships with many different non-profit service providers in the Lawrence area. I also led volunteer training and served informally as a spokesman and church liaison for Family Promise. I took this position during a period of transition for CityChurch Lawrence and found that it provided me with many opportunities to engage with my community in ways that were almost impossible for me as a local church pastor. I learned a great deal about American poverty in the process.
Community Bible Church: Senior Pastor (2005-2015)
As senior pastor of this non-denominational church in Lawrence, Kansas, I preached, taught, led the elder board, mentored emerging leaders, provided vision and direction, as well as marriage and family counseling. I also guided the transition of the church to CityChurch Lawrence (see above) including the sale of our building and property.
Coppell Bible Fellowship: Associate Pastor (1992-2005)
My wife and I helped plant this church while I was in seminary and I served as Associate Pastor for 14 years. During that time, I led worship for twelve years, started and led a youth ministry for nine years, taught in adult small-group settings, served as an elder, provided pulpit supply and led in almost every area of church ministry. I also was in charge of many administrative tasks such as marketing, media and video production, printed materials, bulletin, brochures, newsletters, website, etc.
Dallas Theological Seminary: Public Relations Staff (1991-1996)
While attending Dallas Theological Seminary, I worked in the Public Relations Department as staff photographer. I was involved in the development of the seminary’s quarterly magazine, Kindred Spirit. Editor of the weekly student newspaper, DTS News.
Calvary Baptist Church: Media Director (1987-1991)
As Media Director at Calvary, I directed a weekly live television broadcast of our Sunday morning services, developed and edited two weekly 30-minute taped broadcasts, developed and edited a weekly newsletter and contributed in various other ways to the overall function of the church.
More about Mr. LePage
- Host of Calvary Conversations podcast
- Personal Blog:Â
- Community Bible Church (home church)
- BILD International
- Chapel message: Timothy Reads 2 Timothy (April 29, 2019)
- Chapel message:Â The Unseen Reality: Revelation 4-5Â (February 12, 2020)
- Chapel message: Is Doubt A Virtue? (November 20, 2020)