Office: Madison Hall – Administration Building; Room 124
Title:Â Chief Academic Officer, Vice President of Academics, Director of Security, Interim Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Interim PDS Program Director, Professor of History
Started at Calvary:Â January 2000
Professional Information:Â B.S. (Business Administration), University of Central Missouri, 1972; M.A. (Christian Ministry), Wheaton College, 1982;Â M.M.A.S. (Military History), U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1983;Â D.Min. (Pastoral Theology), Trinity Theological Seminary, 1982;Â Diploma (National Strategic Studies), U.S. Army War College, 1995;Â Ed.D. (Higher Education Leadership), Aspen University, 2021.
Favorite aspect of teaching at Calvary: Interfacing with students everyday! That’s why I am here.
Favorite class to teach: I enjoy teaching American Military History because it is fun to teach and we do “hands-on” handling of historic weapons and material.
Professional Organization(s):Â Military History Society; Association of the United States Army; National Association of Scholars, and IFCA International.
Originally from:Â Rural Bates County, Missouri
How did past ministry/professional experience lead to your position at Calvary:Â Dr. Clark, who was the Academic Dean at the time, called me in December 1999 to ask if I could teach a Church History class for the spring semester.
Military Experience:Â Twenty-six years in the United States Army including commanding a battalion during Operation Desert Storm.