
Title:  Adjunct Faculty, Greek

Started at Calvary:  April 2020

Professional Information: B.A. (Pastoral Studies), Faith Baptist Bible College, 1996; Th.M. (Theology), Tyndale Theological Seminary, 2017; D.Min., Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology, 2020.

Favorite aspect of teaching at Calvary: 
One of my favorite things about teaching anything is when it begins to “click” for the students. Watching that happen in Greek is a special joy because I know that they are often just scratching the surface of what is to come in their Bible study.

Originally from: South Bend, IN

How did past ministry/professional experience lead to your position at Calvary: 
I believe that theology is for everyone, not just pastors, scholars, and academics. My passion is to help the normal, everyday believer understand Scripture better, so I try to write and teach for them. For me, that means helping their teachers as well. Teaching at various schools, speaking at conferences, and working with local church leaders helps widen the impact I can have on future generations of dispensational thinkers and teachers.

My connections at Tyndale Seminary brought me to the Ph.D. program at Calvary, and the experience I have teaching Greek for Tyndale and as an independent instructor helped make this opportunity possible. I look forward to working with the CU students and faculty.

Ministry/Professional involvement outside of Calvary: 
Oak Tree Community Church, South Bend, IN (since 2002)
Teaching Pastor, Elder

Tyndale Theological Seminary, Hurst, TX (since 2008)
Associate Professor of Bible and Theology— Bible exposition, Systematic Theology, Biblical languages (Greek and Hebrew)

Dean of Advising Professors—the faculty that serves online students

Word of Life Bible Institute, Uganda and Hungary (since 2016)
Adjunct Faculty—Bible exposition

Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology, Baton Rouge, LA branch (since 2019)
Professor, VP of Operations

Theology is for Everyone
Founder—International speaker, teacher, and author
Author and contributor of several books and journal articles—find out more at