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Human Resources







Employee Handbook

Familiarize yourself with our comprehensive Employee Handbook. It contains essential policies, guidelines, and procedures that govern the working dynamics at Calvary University.

Labor Law Posters

Stay informed and compliant with the latest labor laws. Access all necessary posters to ensure a smooth work environment.


Connect with Calvary University on LinkedIn!

E-Verify Compliance

    We are committed to maintaining a legal and accountable workforce. Find the E-Verify poster links here, as a testament to upholding immigration law compliance.

Student Jobs at CU

Calvary University is pleased to offer our students opportunities to work on campus.

Jobs at Calvary

Join the Calvary University team! Check out the current faculty and staff openings.

This job board is a service to our community, listing positions available through various churches and other organizations.

Post a Job!

Employers, we invite you to use this job board to provide information about job opportunities for our students and alumni.

Manage Job Postings

Employers, we invite you to use this dashboard to edit, repost, or delete your job postings on Calvary University’s public job board.

Ready to Grow?

Apply today!