Transformed: Knowing Christ, Impacting the World

Join us for the Conference on Global Engagement from January 27-29, 2025, as we explore how knowing Christ transforms our lives and empowers us to impact the world. With keynote speaker David Deets from the Institute for Biblical Leadership, this year’s theme, Knowing Christ, Transforming the World, will guide us through powerful messages that inspire a deeper relationship with Christ and a greater passion for sharing the Gospel globally.

Meet the Keynote Speaker

Dave Deets serves as the Vice President of IBL, The Institute of Biblical Leadership. Prior to joining IBL, Dave served in pastoral ministry for twenty years. Dave holds an M. Min., an M.A. in Cross-Cultural Studies and a D.Min. Dave’s dissertation focused on the selection process of church elders, from which he published the book, Selecting Elders: A Biblical Guide to Choosing God’s Shepherds. In 2022, Dave wrote the book, When Men Have Miscarriages: Finding Hope Against Silent Pain. The books tells the story of Dave and Kimberly’s journey through miscarriage. Dave serves as the Chairman of the Council of Regional Presidents for IFCA International and serves on the national board of IFCA. Dave, his wife, Kimberly, and their three children, Caleb, Andrew, and Rebecca, live in Greenville, SC.

IBL, The Institute of Biblical Leadership began over 35 years ago. Focusing on a leader’s motivation, character, call, roles, and relationships, we help God’s leaders develop consistency in spiritual disciplines and ministry practices, and to experience Spirit-led transformation and God-glorifying ministry. Because leaders who honor God don’t just come out of nowhere, we come alongside God’s leaders to help them take the next steps to be the leader God intends them to be. We do this through four ministries: Coaching, Consulting, Counseling, and Training. We are burdened to make a difference in the lives of God’s leaders both here in the U.S. and around the world. We do this all for no fee to the churches or individual leader. We are a faith-based ministry who serves under the authority of the local church.


1:00 PM Tuesday, January 28, 2025

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going

Warren Cheek | Conference Room C

This seminar will focus on ways to be trusting God through difficult and disappointing times in life and ministry.

Partnering with Nationals

Shawn Haynie | Langmade Room

Description: Many churches and groups of churches in other countries are answering the Great Commission call! We must join with them as co-laborers (“sunergon” in Greek) This workshop examines the advantages and the challenges of forming and working in multinational church planting teams on both an agency and individual level.

The Navy Chaplain Corps

Chaplain James Hicks | Chorale Room

The overarching purpose of the Navy Chaplain Corps, our ‘why’, is to build the Spiritual Readiness of warfighters and their families for the rigors of military service.

2:00 PM Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Wills Like Mills: The Pioneering Potential of Young Men

Ben Laur | Conference Room C

In 1806, while huddled under a haystack with four other young men, Samuel Mills declared of pioneering gospel work, “We can do this, if we will.” The unfortunate reality today, however, is that many young men won’t. Why do so few young men become missionaries, and what can be done to begin to turn the tide? Explore these questions, as well as ways to encourage and strengthen the young men in our lives to face the challenges of the mission field–and overcome. For men, and for all women who want to see the men in their lives live up to their fullest God-glorifying potential.

Effective Communication Through Story Telling

Paul Spotts | Langmade Room

This will include communication techniques learned over many years of teaching children and adults. It will include some interactive fun for all who attend.

The Urgency to Reach the Mission Field of the United States

Dr. Henry Vosburgh | Chorale Room

All too often it is believed that the USA has been reached with the Gospel. Historically speaking this is true. However, what is not accounted for is that the light of previous generations has not been adequately sustained for the present. Furthermore, people from around the world have arrived in our nation, and they too need the Gospel. Add in the cultural antipathy toward anything that even appears to be biblical or even Judeo-Christian in value, and we have a nation with ever-mounting spiritual need. Establishing Great Commission churches to serve as bases of operation throughout the USA is more important than ever. This seminar discusses these issues and urges us to address them with biblical ministry.

3:00 PM Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Three Pillars of Disciplemaking

Dr. Ron Barnes | Conference Room C

Its tragic that after countless hours are invested in evangelism, church planting, and Bible training, ministries have yet to effectively carry out the Great Commission. Being busy “about the Lord’s work” isn’t a replacement for the priority of the Great Commission: Disciplemaking. In this seminar we will focus on three irreplaceable pillars that must be in place if we are going to see the Great Commission carried out.

Confirm to Us the Work of Our Hands

Eidene Anderson | Langmade Room

Regardless of what career you hope to have, your attitudes and actions toward work will greatly influence the outcome of your life. Come explore a biblical view of work and see how Calvary graduates and biblical folks have put it into practice.

The Discipleship Methods of Jesus – A Model for the Church Today

Paul Barreca | Chorale Room

This seminar examines the discipleship methods of Jesus as a model for modern church ministry. Led by Paul Barreca, it offers practical insights into how churches today can follow Christ’s example to cultivate committed, spiritually mature disciples.

9:00 AM Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Teach Us To Pray

Conference Room C

Too often, we’ve been told to pray but nobody ever taught us how. We have question after question like “Does God still speak? Is my prayer actually doing anything? How do I pray for local and global missions? How long should I pray? What kind of prayer should I pray? Is it okay to pray when I’m distracted? How do I actually see mountains moved?” And so on and so on is the constant barrage, even subconsciously. This seminar seeks to answer questions about prayer and walk through the Bible so we can learn together to pray the prayers that the Father promises to answer so that we can strategically and effectively see the kingdom come and the Father’s will done on earth as it is in heaven.

The Sufficiency of Scripture in Missions: A Lesson From the Apostle Paul

Robert Zink | Langmade Room

Amidst the many recommended books and models for church planting, the Bible does not remain silent. It not only speaks, but as God’s Word it speaks authoritatively in all aspects of life, which includes our missions engagement in the world. As the preeminent example of New Testament missions, the Apostle Paul’s ministry offers an illustration of what this means practically and functionally. Looking at the book of Romans, then, we will examine this more thoroughly and consider what this means for fulfilling the Great Commission both locally and globally.

Core Values: Commitment to the Non-Negotiables

Robert Rogers | Chorale Room

No doubt when it comes to core values, some folks may be inclined to consider that they are simply a secular thought, but not necessarily biblically driven. Not everyone buys into the concept of core values, and that is okay. Core values do not address everything we believe; they are not a theological treatise, as for instance a doctrinal statement. However, they do describe the things we consider important. Every Christian organization and church has core values, whether they are in writing or not. Core values are the non-negotiables of ministry; the priority of who we are and what we do. This seminar is designed to help us understand and identify core values, to process the unifying nature of core values, and lastly to view a number of examples related to core values.

10:00 AM Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Preparing Mid-Career Men for Pastoral Ministry

Tim Chally | Conference Room C

This seminar offers guidance on leveraging prior experience for effective ministry. Attendees will explore preparation, personal growth, and spiritual readiness for impactful leadership.

An Interactive Look at an Animistic Culture

James Gleaves | Langmade Room

How do you present the Gospel message to animists in a way they can understand? This interactive exercise into the culture of the Guanano people of Colombia, South America will give you a better understanding of the importance of understanding a people’s worldview before doing evangelism.

The Rescue of Flight 1549

Randy Picklesimer | Chorale Room

There are many circumstances that can cause a ministry or professional career to crash. We will look at what happened with that doomed flight on January 15th 2009 and how that catastrophe ended without a single loss of life. We will also discuss how we can implement similar tactics in the face of traumatic situations that we may face in our lives ahead.

1:00 PM Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Chaplaincy: A Ministry of Presence

Judy Nave | Conference Room C

Chaplains provide a ministry of presence as holistic spiritual caregivers. Chaplains serve in diverse ministry settings during the blessings and brokenness of human life experiences. In today’s society, chaplaincy has vastly expanded from traditional sectors to include a wide spectrum of community and church contexts. Churches benefit from trained chaplains coming alongside the pastor and congregants while offering supplemental emotional and spiritual support. And yes—females serve as chaplains, too! This seminar describes chaplaincy and explores how chaplain ministry within the local church inspires hope.

Maybe Me Vision Trips

Zane Bloom | Langmade Room

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” This quote is often attributed to Mark Twain, but we firmly believe that every Christian has gifts and a calling from God. Maybe Me Vision trips are designed to help you validate the gifts God has given you, utilize a cross-cultural experience to challenge your status quo, and to envision potential futures where God could use you mightily in HIS work. Simply put, Maybe Me Vision trips are intentionally designed as an active ministry experience with a reflective journey that will help you move down the road to find your “Why?” Come learn how this has worked in my life, the lives of countless others and how it could work in your life as well.

Are You a Friend of Israel?

Darrell and Suzan Simmons | Chorale Room

Learn answers to this question and much more as we share what God has to say about Israel, what we have in common with the Jewish people, and how we can show God’s love to our Jewish friends right where we live.

2:00 PM Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Caring for Caregivers in the Church

Daniel Nave | Conference Room C

The effects of an Alzheimer’s/Dementia diagnosis are far reaching. The local church can have a special ministry to families in those seasons of crisis and grief, not limited to cognitive distress. This seminar will explore matters involving care giving, care givers, showing grace, and a recovery process that looks to a future of hope and Christ-honoring ministry. Presenter, Daniel Nave walked this journey with his wife, Cheryl, while planting Family Bible Church of Knoxville, TN.

Understanding and Developing Servant Leaders

Dan Anderson | Langmade Room

This seminar will examine biblical and contemporary understandings of servant leadership with a desire to recognize how servant leadership is crucial for discipleship and growth in the local church.

Spiritual Leadership for Global Advancement – lessons from the Apostle Paul concerning a leaders relationship to God and to those He sends us to serve.

Blessed are the Flourishing

Jon Hansen | Chorale Room

Using the Beatitudes as a roadmap to equip the local church to engage in a flourishing rural ministry. In this seminar we will talk about how the local pastor and the local church can work together to effectively engage the local community for Christ by following the principles found in the Beatitudes.

3:00 PM Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Reaching the Collegiate Community with the Gospel

Mike Keller | Conference Room C

A practical approach to starting a campus ministry on a secular campus near you.

Intercultural Ministry

Melvin and Lorraine Nez | Langmade Room

This seminar offers insights into intercultural ministry, focusing on effective ways to connect and serve across diverse cultures. Melvin and Lorraine Nez provide guidance for those looking to deepen their impact in cross-cultural settings.

Visualizing the Gospel in a Ministry Mosaic of Marriage, Family, and Spiritual Family

Kurt and Denna Busenitz | Chorale Room

Marriage and family (both physical and spiritual) is a critical way the gospel can be visualized, but the enemy would love to put a dark cloud over that light. The reality is that the mission field often takes away the support system of a healthy church and caring relatives. Whatever our ministry mosaic is that God has called us to, we can use API (Aquilla and Priscilla Intentionality) to keep our gospel presence burning bright.

Conference on Global Engagement 2025 Registration

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Missions Representatives

Eidene Anderson

Biblical Ministries Worldwide

Dan Anderson

BGFM Global

Dr. Ron Barnes

Source of Light International

Paul Barreca

Fellowship International Missions

Zane Bloom

Biblical Ministries Worldwide

Jerome Brackeen


Kurt and Denna Busenitz

Rural Home Missionary Association

Kenn Chipchase

Midwest Church Extension

Tim and Nancy Chally

Rockies Southwest

Warren Cheek


Bob Courtney

Central States Church Extension

Dave and Kimberly Deets

Institute for Biblical Leadership

Ben Doomy

Source of Light Ministries International

Olivia Droke


James and Diane Gleaves

Ethnos 360

Shawn Haynie

Adelphos USA

Jon Hansen

Village Missions

Larissa Jackson

Navy Chaplain Corps

Hannah Katz


Mike Keller

Baptist Mid-Mission / Campus Bible Fellowship

Ben Laur


Kermit Lowery

Rock Haven Bible Camp

Mike Morris

Children’s Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.

Daniel and Judy Nave

IFCA Bible Churches Chaplaincy, Southeast Church Extension

Melvin and Lorraine Nez

Flagstaff Mission to the Navajos

Randy and Lisa Picklesimer

Village Missions

Dave and Laura Percy

Ethnos 360

Bob Rodgers

Northwest Independent Church Extension

Darrel and Suzan Simmons

Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

Paul Spotts

RBM Ministries

Henry Vosburgh

Midwest Church Extension

Robert Zink

Northwest Independent Church Extension