Calvary University President
Dr. Alexander Granados
Dr. Granados was born in Bogotá, Colombia. He is an experienced and dynamic Higher Education Executive with a history of distinguished and trusted leadership as a President, Associate Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Associate Academic Dean. He has effectively led administratively and pastorally among diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, gender, disability, and ethnic communities. He has held administrative positions in both domestic and international for-profit and non-profit organizations.

His research and scholarly interests focus on the interaction of international and domestic factors in educational, religious, social, political, and economic development of Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Latin America; educational strategies for children displaced due to war and violence; the historical, religious, and cultural factors that influence classical and modern Jewish Education; and academic and spiritual development, theological and biblical method of missions, church planting and multiplication, and urban ministry and planning.
Professional Information: B.A. (Political Science), University of California, Los Angeles, 1992; M.Div. (Pastoral Ministries) The Master’s Seminary, 1995; Th.M. (Systematic Theology) The Master’s Seminary, 1997; Ph.D. (Intercultural Education), Biola University, 2008.

Letter from the President
Welcome to Calvary!
We may wonder about the value of Christian higher education. After all, it appears that research universities, comprehensive universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and for-profit institutions can give Christian students the skills and information for a vocation. However, according to the Bible, knowledge apart from God actually produces a fallen understanding of the world and perpetuates the disaster of Genesis 3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). Hence, while educational institutions can provide certain pieces of information from a biblical worldview, they will ultimately fail in that they cannot produce wisdom. The nature of education in today’s society has in essence adopted the lie of the garden. The serpent tempted the woman by undermining what God really said for an unsanctioned way to obtaining knowledge (Gen. 3:1-7). However, true wisdom is not ultimately based upon reason but divine revelation, which alone counteracts our fallen condition. As such, our job in education is to exalt divine revelation above our reason.
Every year students apply, are accepted, and attend Calvary University. These students are seeking an education that will instill in them the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for their chosen profession, cultivate their spiritual growth, strengthen their moral character, and develop their abilities as global citizens and leaders (Phil. 1:27). Calvary University students desire more than just training for a career and a life of self-promotion. They seek an education that will impart invaluable transformative qualities of character and mind suitable for their Christian calling along with useful technical skills and knowledge. They want to be equipped for a life of enduring commitment to Christ and instructed to think like Christ, value like Christ, and serve as Christ has called them to serve in the home, church, academy, community, and marketplace.
A Calvary University education is a biblical passport for Christian servants on their path to effectively fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) and the Great Commandment (Matt. 22:36-40). We offer excellent educational programs and equip students with a biblical worldview to exegete Scripture and culture. We believe that a global Christian guided by a biblical compass is empowered by faith to work and make a lasting contribution for the cause of Christ (Jas. 2:14-18).
Calvary University prepares men and women on their lifelong path to pursue the glory of God. We believe that true success is not just about what you do for a living, but how you live while you make a living. No matter the career you are in, if you are not living a life in the pursuit of God, you will likely choose the wrong job, wrong spouse, and live a self-centered life. That is why Calvary University prepares the whole person, for all of life—nothing less.
In His service,
Alexander Granados, M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D.