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New Mattresses Arrive at Dorm

New Mattresses Arrive at Dorm

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

New mattresses

Mattress Purchase Funded by Auction

Back in March, our Feast and Fund Auction raised money for new mattresses for our dorm.  On Tuesday, July 17, the mattresses arrived!  Faculty, staff, and volunteers worked hard to haul out the old mattresses and move in the new ones.  Alumnus Stephen Buller brought a group from a youth camp to help for the day.  Part of the day’s work was also to bring some furniture from the old dorms over to the current dorm, because we have more students coming to use it!

Randy Grimm and Dr. Bitner added another old mattress to the stack.

Thank You

We are so grateful for each person at the auction who helped to fund this need.  The dorm students will benefit greatly!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator