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Calvary Alumnus Releases New Book!

Calvary Alumnus Releases New Book!

The Zobrist Family: Look What God Can Do by Tom Zobrist

Last Sunday afternoon, I read a wonderfully encouraging book written by Pastor Tom Zobrist of Liberty Bible Church. Last year, his son’s professional baseball success brought fame to the name “Zobrist” when Ben received the honor of MVP when the World Champion Chicago Cubs won the World Series. I had the privilege of interacting with the elder Zobrist just before the drama unfolded a year ago. His humble approach to his son’s early success on a team headed to the World Series after being a member of the 2015 World Champion Kansas City Royals caused me to reevaluate my approach with my own children. Pastor Zobrist simply lives his faith.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and was pleased to learn some more of the back story of one of my current baseball heroes.  But the real treasure of the book is the revealing of the heart of a father. I do not want to spoil the story, so I just want to let you know that this is worth reading. The book does not focus on baseball; it is an official account of God’s powerful influence in a man’s life. You will see what God can do!

I give Zobrist’s book five stars.  You can find out more information at:

New Students Formally Welcomed at Convocation

New Students Formally Welcomed at Convocation

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Dr. Bitner welcomed the new students.

On Wednesday, chapel time was devoted to welcoming the new students via Convocation.   Faculty wore regalia and lined the center aisle.  The new students entered to applause and sat in the first several rows.  Returning students and staff filled many of the remaining chairs.  Once the faculty made their way to the stage, Dr. Bitner read some of the history of convocation, and we sang a hymn.  Luke Pauli, the Student Senate President, gave a heart-felt charge to the new students and asked them to live each day as if it were their last.  Hailey Bair, a talented student, sang “How Great Thou Art.”  Dr. Cone’s presidential charge encouraged the students to be like Onesiphorus, who “refreshed” Paul as seen in 2 Timothy 1:16.

The students were told more than once that Calvary will provide them with a fine education – just like many other schools would.  However, what sets Calvary apart from those other schools is the family atmosphere.  Welcome to the family, new students!

What a beautiful sight – a chapel full of students!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Soccer Games

September 5, 4:00 p.m. vs. Barclay at Home

Upcoming Volleyball Games

September 5, 6:00 p.m. vs. Baptist Bible at Home

Upcoming Calvary Events

Discover Calvary: Visit Day       September 15

President’s Dinner                    September 28