Emily Wirth Presents Senior Recital
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
“To our great God, ruler of everything and lover of each one – Thank you for guiding me through all the twists, turns, bumps, and potholes on my long journey through college.” ~ Emily Wirth
Those words were the first part of the acknowledgments in the program for Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital on Sunday. During her long, winding path to graduation, Emily has studied under Paul Vander Mey, Cheryl Clark, Dr. Haekyung An, and Dr. Tom Stolberg. Completing her Senior Recital is another step on the path, and it is a good example of perseverance, especially for those who may have given up on their dreams of finishing college. Emily was accompanied on the piano by Christopher Stolberg, and she sang pieces by Handel, Scarlatti, and Schubert among others. She plans to use her degree by teaching voice and piano lessons, performing, and composing music. To God be the glory for how He has brought Emily to this place!
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Upcoming Calvary Events
Logan Brothers’ Senior Recital April 14
Christian Leaders Conference April 19
Music Department Spring Concert April 20
Race to the Philippines April 21
Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone April 21
Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital April 27
SpringShorts Acting Recital April 28
Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital April 29
Awards Chapel May 3
Baccalaureate May 4
Commencement May 5