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Learning and Living at Calvary During the Summer

Learning and Living at Calvary During the Summer

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Summer Learning

Did you know that students can take Calvary classes year-round?  Because our academic year is structured into eight-week cycles, learning never has to stop – even in summer!  The fall semester technically starts in July and concludes when Cycle 3 finishes in December.  The spring semester starts with a one-week J-Term and includes Cycles 4-6.  We are currently in Cycle 1, and there are several classes meeting during the day and evening hours.

Dr. Dodds is teaching Evangelism/Spiritual Life.

Mr. Williamson is teaching Introduction to Philosophy.

Summer Living

This summer is the first time that Calvary has kept the dorms open in June and July.  While the number of students living there is much smaller than during Cycles 2-5, we do have students taking advantage of that opportunity.  Of course, many choose to go home for a few months, but they are still able to take summer classes using our blended online model.

Dr. Washington is teaching Strategic Management.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Registration Day         August 23

Preparations for a New School Year

Preparations for a New School Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

With new students arriving in less than one week, another school year seems to be hurtling toward us!  That is why our faculty and staff spent Thursday in meetings focused on preparations for the upcoming semester.  Dr. Cone encouraged us from God’s Word, and the other members of the Cabinet gave reports from their respective departments.

One bit of news that I would like to pass on to you is about our enrollment numbers.  We are praising the Lord that more than 315 students are currently registered for classes in Cycle 2*!  Thank you for your prayers in that area.                *Calvary’s academic year is now structured into 8-week cycles.  Cycle 2 is August 28-October 20.

We are also excited about the progress being made on renovating the former seminary building into the new home of the Hilda Kroeker Library and Clark Academic Center.  In addition to that project, we anticipate that work will soon begin on transforming the Student Life Center (formerly Turner’s German-American Hall which we purchased last fall) into our new dining hall.  Please pray with us for safety, quality work, and timely completion.

Dr. Cone spoke to the faculty and staff on Thursday.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

New students arrive                   August 24

Classes start                               August 28

Discover Calvary: Visit Day       September 15