Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Speaks atChapel
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
Calvary students, faculty, and staff had the privilege of hearing from U.S. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler during an chapel on Friday, April 6. She started out by greeting us as “mighty warriors” in reference to the story of Gideon from Judges 6. She was especially pleased to find that we are indeed the Calvary Warriors!
The congresswoman then spent time sharing about how God called her to be a representative and placed the desire in her heart from the age of five. She said that the United States needs people with a biblical worldview to run for office. In her opinion, politics has become largely a fight over what is right and what is wrong.
Furthermore, Congresswoman Hartzler used Scripture to encourage us to “Go, Fight, Win.” Like Gideon, we should go in the strength we have. We also need to remember the mission (based on Isaiah 61) and expect opposition. God will give us the strategy, and we need to rely on Him for courage. She explained the correlation between “courage,” “discourage,” and “encourage” while challenging us to give others courage (encourage) and display courage to trust in God. Finally, the congresswoman urged us to stand our ground, put on the full armor of God, and work with all our hearts.
What a blessing to have a Christian representing our part of Missouri! May God continue to use Vicky Hartzler in Washington, D.C.
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Emily Wirth’s Senior Recital April 8
Hailey Bair’s Master Recital April 9
Retirement Reception for Dr. Keith & Pat Miller April 13
Logan Brothers’ Senior Recital April 14
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Music Department Spring Concert April 20
Race to the Philippines April 21
Lindsay Lee’s Senior Theatre Capstone April 21
Andrew Lovisone’s Senior Recital April 27
SpringShorts Acting Recital April 28
Christopher Stolberg’s Senior Recital April 29
Awards Chapel May 3
Baccalaureate May 4
Commencement May 5