Support as You Navigate College Life
College is a life-changing experience and a time to create wonderful memories, However, it is also a time of great transition and growth. Sometimes, you may find this transition to be difficult. Here are a few services that are available to help you navigate college life.
Counseling Services
All counseling from Student Services will be biblical with the goal of the individual being changed into the image of Christ. We believe that in Christ we have everything we need for life and godliness and rely heavily upon this in counseling. We believe the Word of God is sufficient to meet the needs of mankind for salvation and sanctification.
Schedule an appointment with the Student Services office by emailing or calling (816) 322-0110 ext. 1327.
Crisis Services
There may be times when you need immediate help. Suicidal thoughts and actions are common among young adults. While not all suicidal thoughts lead to action, these symptoms should be taken seriously and addressed quickly. If you or a friend is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please use the following crisis resources:
For an immediate, life-threatening emergency, call 911 or Security at (816) 898-2989.
For a crisis that is not immediately life-threatening, speak to a Resident Assistant if you are a dorm student, or come to the Student Services office and request to speak to someone during the hours of 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Health Center
First-aid treatment and minor medical supplies are available through the RAs and Student Services staff.
A registered nurse is available via phone to answer any medical questions. Call (816) 276-6405.
For additional services, a list of physicians, dentists, optometrists, clinics, and hospitals may be obtained from the Student Services Office.
Calvary does not offer insurance plans, but students may contact Troy Floyd at Heritage Benefit Consultants (816) 322-6350 for information on Short-Term or Long-Term medical plans that would be suitable.
If you are involved in an accident during and Calvary-related activity, please contact Student Services.
Student Conduct
Spiritual expectations for students at Calvary University are purposefully high. They could not be otherwise and follow biblical principles. Calvary seeks to create and encourage a godly atmosphere for students to make spiritual decisions. Primary to spiritual growth is a consistent, personal devotional life along with faithful fulfillment of responsibilities. These responsibilities include attending classes, chapel services, prayer meetings, local church services, and similar activities. Consistent completion of class and Christian ministry assignments and proper adjustment to college life also demonstrate maturity. Calvary has the responsibility, under God, to maintain standards that are above reproach. The school seeks to cultivate personal habits that will bring honor to the name and person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Calvary reserves the right to discipline and/or dismiss any student whose behavior is deemed to be contrary to the standards of conduct listed in the Student Handbook and/or any activity which negatively impacts class atmosphere, reflects unfavorably on the student’s personal testimony or Calvary’s testimony, or improperly influences other students.
Calvary complies with federal regulations regarding “drug and alcohol abuse prevention.” The standards concerning student behavior are set forth in detail in the Student Handbook.
Guidance in these areas is provided through the Student Services Office as well as through faculty advisors. Attending Calvary University is a privilege, not a right. Calvary may insist on the withdrawal of a student at any time that the student, in the opinion of the school, does not conform to the established regulations and standards of conduct. In the event that a student is no longer able to attend on-campus classes, but is not dismissed from school (either voluntarily or involuntarily), Calvary reserves the right to administratively transfer a student from on-campus classes to Independent Study or Blended/Online courses. If a course cannot be transferred, it will be refunded at a prorated price. Such circumstances may include gender-based misconduct accusations, injury/illness, various extenuating circumstances, etc. If a student is administratively removed from on-campus housing but not dismissed, he/she will be refunded a prorated amount for the time remaining.