Interim Youth Lead

Youth Intern Job Description
Central Park Christian Church
1535 SW Clay St
Topeka, KS 66604

Send Resume to: [email protected]

Objective of the Internship
This benefit exists for the mutual benefit of Central Park Christian Church (CPCC) and the intern. CPCC receives an individual who can offer their own set of skills, knowledge, interests and passions to support and enhance CPCC’s Children’s and Youth Ministry Program. In turn, the intern receives the opportunity to learn and practice ministry in a safe and nurturing environment as the intern continues to discern a call to ministry.

The Youth Intern will be willing to serve, lead, teach and motivate the youth at CPCC in their walk with God. You will be encouraged to follow the words of Paul when he said to Titus…
“In everything, set them an example of doing what is. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned.” Titus 2:7-8

Profile of the Intern
● Have a heart for children from infancy through high school and their spiritual lives.
● Possessing a sense of call to ministry and desiring a place to follow and process the calling.
● Willing to develop a mentoring relationship with a variety of youth from both urban and rural backgrounds.
● Have a commitment to the whole family, with the ability to develop relationships with the parent and/or guardians.
● Ability to help lead discussions and group activities with a biblical foundation as a part of a team of adult ministry partners in a manner to which the children & youth can relate.
● Must pass a background check and adhere to the Child and Youth Abuse Prevention Program, which is observed in all children and youth ministry settings.

Expectations of the Intern
● You will conduct yourself in a Christ-like manner at all times, doing your best to display godly behavior to the students and those around you.
● You will provide your own transportation.
● You will agree to work under the general guidance of standing office procedures, including office hours to be agreed upon by Interim Youth Ministry Team Lead, Lead Pastor and Elders.
● You will work under the oversight of the Elders.
● This internship is part of a team approach at CPCC, with the understanding that you are under the direct supervision of the Interim Youth Ministry Team Lead.
● You will use much discretion in relating to the young men and women. No flirting or dating with the youth group members is allowed during the internship.
● You will never operate a vehicle or transport students without (A). Proper license to operate a vehicle, (B) Permission from the student’s parents to transport students, (C) A motor vehicle registry background check on file with the office, (D) Using much discretion in who is being transported in your vehicle or the church bus.
● You are to maintain a good working relationship with all of the CPCC Staff, volunteers, and members. You may be asked to help in other various ministries. This should be done with a cheerful and joyful attitude. You are not only a member of our youth ministry, but you are a valued member of the CPCC family.
● You will serve as a leader in the Children and Youth Ministry program at CPCC by assisting with plans, and leadership of the program.
● You should always be supportive of current programs, plans and activities. You should always have a joyful, cheerful appearance and be excited.
● Days off will be provided for relaxation and renewal. These days will be coordinated and approved by the Interim Youth Ministry Team Lead. All requests for special days off (for example: weddings) should be given well in advance and are subject to approval.
● While you are considered an employee of CPCC, this internship will not include any special benefits such as health insurance, life insurance or retirement. Therefore you will need to provide proof of health insurance during this time of service as an intern with CPCC. The intern’s employment status will officially be considered “Part-Time, Temporary.”

Job Description of Intern
● Meet any Field Education requirements if the internship is done in an attempt to fulfill an education requirement from a Christian University.
● Fully participate in both Wednesday night and Sunday church activities and other youth activities.
● Attend Sunday Worship, Sunday Class, and Wednesday Class
● Assist in teaching nursery, pre-school, elementary, middle and high school classes (if volunteers aren’t available).
● Assist in planning, organization and implementation of nursery, pre-school, elementary, middle and high school curriculum and activities. Activities may include, devotions, service projects, Christian concerts, lock ins, etc.
● Work with staff, parents/guardian, students at Robinson Middle School to build rapport as a representative of Central Park Christian Church. As students are promoted in grade this may also require you to work with staff, parents/guardians, students at Topeka High School and possibly other schools.
● Serve as a Staff Member and/or Counselor at any camps, mission trips or services projects.
● Write communications and conduct normal weekly activities in the absence of the Interim Youth Ministry Team Lead.
● Attend all staff meetings and elder meetings (when requested).
● Average 20 hours a week, with additional hours for outside activities.
● Build relationships and rapport with all the students in the Children’s and Youth ministry – including pastoring, teaching, counseling, disciplining and mentoring.
● Assist with social media presence of the Youth Ministry, engage with teens in an uplifting way.
● Commit to a full disclosure agreement. The Interim Youth Ministry Team Lead of this congregation is to make a decision if any action is required in situations that arise. Because of this, you will be required to communicate any confidential discussion between yourself and any member of the youth so that the Interim Youth Ministry Team Lead can provide required care to our church family, during and after the conclusion of the internship.
● Keep all confidential information away from anyone (parents, teens, etc.) that might be detrimental. Examples include meetings, talks with other teens, parents, and friends and discussion with elders.
● Ask questions, be creative, offer, plan and implement ideas, seek servant-leadership opportunities, learn, listen, teach and look for ways to serve. You will add an important dimension to the overall church experience for students and families at CPCC.
● Must be able to work independently and with direct supervision.
● Must have a strong degree of organizational and administrative abilities, i.e. familiar with Microsoft products such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Google products such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.
● Willingness to do other duties as assigned